
Cards (9)

  • weight = mass x gravitational field strength
    w = mg
  • our solar system consists of the sun which lies in the centre (heliocentric) and there are 8 planets which orbit it, natural satellites, asteroids/comets and dwarf planets (orbit the sun e.g. Pluto or Ceres)
  • the planets have natural satellites which orbit it - moon orbits the earth, a planet
  • order of planets - closes to sun to furthest :
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
  • smaller planets mostly rocks and larger planets mostly gas
  • larger planets have rings because their large gravitational field strength pulls debris towards it
  • geocentric model :
    • earth seemed to be in the centre, other planets and the sun orbited the earth
    • it has a fixed background of stars stars
  • Galileo, using a telescope, saw Jupiter have moons orbiting it therefore indicating every body doesn't fully orbit around the earth
  • Kepler showed planets orbited in ellipses not circles