study that tries to complement extreme power and interests in the society.
an art and science in harmonizing both ends together in the name of consensus and compromise.
Two main things to consider in defining the characteristics of politics:
making a common/uniform decision applying to all members
use of force to affect the behavior of another person.
a central concept that runs in the hearts of a state.
Politics is not only about the institutions and channels of government but rather more about the persons working either directly or indirectly in the affairs of the government.
Wherever there is any government, there must be politics.
Thomas Mann
called the 20th century the "age of politics".
Harold Lasswell
referred politics as the study of who gets what, when, and how.
politics is the attempt to understand influence and the influential
Robert Dahl
emphasized that politics fundamentally involves the study of influence, power, and authority.
Robert Dahl
“Politics arises, then, whenever they are involved in conflicts and whenever they are subject to some kind of power, rulership, or authority.”
Hans Morgenthau
politics is the struggle for power
Bertram Gross
political process includes the activities of people in various groups as they struggle for and use of power to achieve personal and group purposes.
Political process
involves the struggle for power among contending political actors who are guided by particular interests emanating from historically specific social relations.
political system
arena where political dynamics takes place
activity through which contending interests are conciliated and differences are expressed and considered.
Through politics, the collective welfare is supposed to be advanced and survival of the community protected.
Other authors define politics as the science of civil government; the art of governing other people.
Politics is not confined to formal institutions, and can occur in any organized group
Political Science Perspective
politics is the study of power and governance
Political Science Perspective
examines how political institutions, behaviors, and systems operate and how they impact societies.
Sociological Perspective
politics is a social process that involves power dynamics and social structures.
Sociological Perspective
explores how political is distributed and exercised within different social contexts.
Philosophical Perspective
concerned with the ethical and normative dimensions of governance and public life.
Practical Perspectives
politics is often associated with political parties, electoral systems, and government operations.
Comparative Perspective
studying different political systems and cultures to understand how they function and how they differ.
International Perspective
International politics or international relations
examines how countries interact with each other on global stage
Political Science
study of the state and government.
Political Science
study of how organized disputes are articulated and then resolved by public decisions made by government.
comes from the Greek word 'polis', which means a city-state.
only form of government known to ancient greeks
means knowledge or study
Rodee (1980)
defined political science as a branch of social science that deals with the theory, organization, government, and practice of the state
Political science
also deals with those relations among men and groups, which are subject to control by the state, and with relations of the state to other states.
Political Science
systematic study of the state and government
what today would be the equivalent of a sovereign state
comes from to know
The Science of Politics
has its formal object, a basic knowledge and understanding of the state, the principles and ideals which underlie its organization and activities