things from the assessment i need to work on

Cards (5)

    • The dog would be strapped in a harness with an apparatus that allowed precise measurement of the amount of saliva it produced. 
    • A bell is rung (ns) and the amount of saliva measured. 
    • Food presented (ucs) and the amount of saliva measured.(ucr
    • Then the bell and food would be presented at the same time and the amount of saliva measured. 
    • This would be repeated a set number of times, then the bell would be rung (cr) without presentation of the food, and the amount of saliva would be measured to test the strength of the (cr) that had been learned.
    1. One assumption of humanistic psychology is the importance of the individual 
    2. Carl Rogers asserted this idea in his client centred therapy with unconditional positive regard used by therapist in assessment +treatment of client to dissolve conditions of worth which are stopping them from having self-acceptance 

    3. Non-directive-encouraged to discover their own solutions in a warm and supportive environment
    With the goal to reduce the gap between self concept and ideal self (congruence) and to achieve personal growth and self-actualistaion 
    • positive approach .
    • guilt and shame from people who seek counselling (UPR)
    • allowing the person to look forward to how they can achieve personal growth,
    • o feel more optimistic and hopeful about their future rather than revisiting past trauma.
    • will motivate them to fulfill their full potential
    • Rogers approach is vague and imprecise,
    • challenging for therapist to know how to structure their sessions as Rogers doesn’t specify and particular structure that should be used,
    • not fully generalisable
    • as the therapist will not all be consistent in the way in which they treat their clients,
    • little research support for Rogers theory with means it lacks reliability and the therapy may not be as successful as was originally thought
    • research support showing effectiveness
    •  Elliot in a meta-analysis of 86 studies showed humanistic therapies prompted significant improvement in clients when compared with people not receiving treatment.
    • success+validity - suggests it has been able to be successfully applied to this type of counselling to improve client's quality of lives