culture bias

    Cards (12)

    • universality of culture:
      • research has universal claims but usually white americans
    • culture bias:
      • tendency to ignore cultural differences + interpret all phenomena through lens of own culture
      • own culture = norm
    • example of culture bias:
      • cultural differences in conformity, attachment, definitions of abnormality
    • ethnocentrism:
      • judging culture by own standards
      • extreme form = superiority/discrimination
    • example of ethnocentrism:
      • strange situation, secure attachment more common so german mothers seem cold and rejecting
    • etic approach:
      • looks at behaviour outside of given culture + attempts to describe them as universal - impose etic
    • emic approach:
      • functions within certain cultures + identifies behaviour specific to culture
      • berry argues that psych is guilty of imposing etic when theories come about through emic approach
    • cultural relativism:
      • norms/values can only be meaningful within specific cultural concepts, things make more sense from cultural perspective
      • luhrmann et al - cultural differences in hearing voices
    • EVALUATION: unfamiliarity with research tradition
      • some knowledge in scientific testing may not extend to cultures with different historical experiences
      • demand characteristics when working with members of local pop
      • demand characteristics may have effects on validity - findings from different cultures may not be compared well
    • EVALUATION: bias with diagnosing mental illnesses
      • even in west cultures variation in diagnosis - usa use DSM-V, europe ICD
      • copeland - 69% us psych diagnosis, 2% UK using same description
      • culture bias - more likely to diagnose in one country than other
    • EVALUATION: real life consequences
      • US army WWII IQ test - biased toward white majority, AA at bottom of scale
      • negative effects on US attitudes towards people, AA
      • led to stereotypes concerning IQ + ethnic groups
    • EVALUATION: indigenous psychologies
      • afrocentrism - all black people have roots in africa, theories must recognise african contexts
      • european values - at worst devalue non europeans at best are irrelevant
      • led to emergence of theories more relevant to lives of people far removed from origin
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