Introduction to Audience Theory

Cards (41)

  • What is media studies?
    Is the study of media products and how the media industries presents it to the audience.
  • Give me atleast 3 types of media products
    Magazines, Websites, Billboards
  • what is media language?
    How the media communicates meanings.
  • define representation
    How the media portrays places, social groups events.
  • Define Media Industries
    How the process of production, distribution, and circulation can affect media forms.
  • Define Audiences
    How the media target, reach and address audiences. They're also the one who consumes these media products
  • Define text
    A media product or a part of media product.
  • define institution
    they make the media text
  • give me the 3 parts of the media triangle
    Text, Audience, Institution
  • define medium
    a channel of communication
  • Give me 5 categories of audiences
    age, gender, race, location, hobbies
  • The process of studying audiences?
  • define mass audience
    Audience that are made up of a wide range of people.
  • define niche audience
    a small and focused audience
  • define passive audience
    they are easily influenced by the media products they consume. They don't question the products they consume
  • define active audiences
    They engage with the media product they consume. They interpret and question the media products they consume
  • define desensitisation theory
    Audiences are desensitised to violence. They accept it as normal.
  • define theory
    an idea that explains something.
  • Who made The Reception Theory?
    Stuart Hall
  • What is The Reception Theory?
    Is the idea that there are three positions an audience can take when decoding messages and meanings.
  • what are the three positions of reception theory?
    preferred, negotiated, oppositional reading
  • define preferred reading
    Audiences take the intended meaning of the text
  • define negotiated reading
    audiences accepts some meaning but rejects others
  • define oppositional reading
    audiences rejects the intended meaning of the text
  • Define Action code
    something that happens in the narrative that tells the audience that some actions will follow
  • define anchorage
    the words that accompany an image (still or moving)
  • define appeal
    the way in which products attract and interest an audience
  • define aspirational
    encourages the audience to want more money
  • define attract
    how media products appeal to audiences
  • define audience categorisation
    how media producers group audiences to target their products
  • define audience consumption
    A way in which audiences engage with media products
  • define audience interpretation
    the way audiences make sense of media products
  • define audience response
    how audiences react to media products by accepting the intended meaning
  • define brand identity
    the association the audience make up with the brand
  • define broadsheet
    a larger newspaper that publishes more serious news
  • define caption
    words that accompany an image that explains its meaning
  • define socio-economic categories
    a common of way of describing audiences through letter codes to show their income
  • give 3 examples of lifestyle categories
    trendies, rebels, cowboys
  • who made the gratification theory
    Blumler and Katz
  • what is the gratification theory
    suggests that media consumers play an active role in choosing and using the media