Evaluation of Marxism

Cards (5)

  • One criticism of the Marxist View of Media is that it is too deterministic and focuses on social class rather than other forms of inequality
  • Another criticism of the Marxist View of Media is that it is seen to present an overly conspiratorial view of the role of media owners as united group when they are often in competition with each other
  • Another criticism of the Marxist View of Media is that it fails to take into account the role of media professionals in constructing representations of social groups, for example, there are increasing numbers of female & ethnic minority journalists who construct positive representations)
  • Another criticism of the Marxist View of Media is from Pluralists, who argue that Marxism ignored the varied range of representations in the media, and how the increasing diversity & forms of media as evidence that media representations do not just conform to narrow stereotypes
  • Another criticism of the Marxist View of Media is from Postmodernists, who believe that it is increasingly difficult to identify specific social groups in society as boundaries between them have become blurred, arguing that social class is no longer an important source of identity and there is no clear way of identifying members of different social classes