key terms

Cards (22)

  • define alpha bias?
    exaggerating differences between genders
  • define beta bias?
    ignoring genuine differences between genders
  • define androcentrism?
    only viewing things from male perspective
  • define ethnocentrism?
    only viewing things from your own cultural perspective
  • define cultural relativism?
    learning to understand a culture before making a judgement
  • define universality?
    being able to generalise a theory across cultures & genders
  • what is socially sensitive research?
    any research that has wider ethical implications outside of the research context
  • define nature?
    explaining behaviour in terms of innate factors
  • define nuture?
    explaining behaviour in terms of environmental factors
  • what is the interactionist approach?
    explaining behaviour using both nature & nurture perspectives
  • what is hard determinism?
    an explanation that suggests there is no room for free will
  • what is soft determinsm?
    an explanation that suggests there is some room for free will but behaviour is largely pre determined
  • what is free will?
    an explanation that suggests we can choose our own destiny
  • what is biological determinism?
    an explanation that suggests our behaviour is controlled by biological processes
  • what is environmental determinism?
    an explanation that suggests our behaviour is determined by our environmental exposure
  • what is psychic determinism?
    an explanation that suggests our behaviour is driven by our childhood experiences & unconscious drives
  • what is biological reductionism?
    an explanation that reduces behaviour down to the role of biological processes
  • what is environmental reductionism?
    an explanation that reduces our behaviour down to role of our environmental exposures
  • define holism?
    looking at mind & behaviour as a whole
  • what are levels of explanations?
    the extent to which a thoery is holistic/reductionist
  • what is idiographic approach?
    studying individuals without a focus on forming general laws
  • what is nomothetic approach?
    studying large groups of people with aim of forming general laws