
Cards (16)

  • conformity is...

    a change in a person's behaviour/opinions due to real/imagined pressure from a group
  • compliance is...

    type of conformity - shallowest type of conformity, just going along with it for a short time, doesn't change person's beliefs away from the situation
  • example of compliance
    laughing at a joke you don't understand because everybody else is
  • identification is...

    type of conformity - when a person changes their behaviours publicy to fit in with a group, but only when they are around that group
  • example of identification
    crazed football fans at a match in the same shirt, compared to them at home
  • internalisation is...

    type of conformity - when a person completely changes their beliefs/behaviour to always fit in with a group, conforms both within and away from the group, opposite to compliance
  • example of internalisation
    a person changing their religion
  • what are the two different explanations for conformity?
    normative social influence
    informational social influence
  • NSI is...

    explanation of conformity - when a person conforms to fit in with a group with the intention/desire to be well-liked and not rejected
  • is NSI an emotional or cognitive response?
  • ISI is...

    explanation for conformity - when a person conforms to a group in order to be right/do what they perceive is right, conforms to not be "wrong"
  • is ISI an emotional or cognitive response?
  • what is schulz et al (2008) discover when researching conformity?
    hotel guests exposed to a message that "75% of other guests recycled towels at least once", reduced their own towel usage by 25%
  • schulz et al's research was an example of...

    NSI - suggested that people shape their own behaviour to fit in with the majority
  • what did lucas et al (2006) discover when researching conformity?
    students conformed more to an incorrect answer when they found the task more difficult
  • lucas et al's research was an example of...

    ISI - showed that people conformed more in situations where they didn't know the correct answer