Cards (23)

  • Who is the founder of Modern Nursing?
    Florence Nightingale
  • What is recited during the oath-taking ceremony for Registered Nurses?
    The Nightingale Pledge
  • What are the key components of client-centered nursing theory?
    • Differentiate philosophies, theories, and conceptual models of nursing
    • Focus on client-centered theories according to the metaparadigm of nursing
    • Significance of nursing theories to education, research, and clinical practice
  • What is Florence Nightingale's environmental theory focused on?
    Nursing is the act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist in recovery
  • What are the five environmental factors according to Nightingale's theory?
    1. Fresh air
    2. Pure water
    3. Efficient drainage
    4. Sanitation/cleanliness
    5. Light and direct sunlight
  • What does Nightingale's nursing theory emphasize about the physical environment?
    It stresses the healing properties of the physical environment
  • How does Nightingale's theory define health?
    Health is the positive of which the pathology is the negative
  • What is the goal of Nightingale's theory?
    Nurses help patients retain their own vitality by meeting their basic needs through control of the environment
  • What are the components of Nightingale's Environmental Theory?
    • Health of houses
    • Ventilation and warming
    • Light
    • Noise
    • Variety
    • Bed and bedding
    • Cleanliness of rooms and walls
    • Personal cleanliness
    • Nutrition and taking food
    • Chattering hopes and advices
    • Observation of the sick
    • Social considerations
  • How does Nightingale refer to the patient in her metaparadigm?
    As "the patient"
  • What is the foundational component of Nightingale's theory?
    The environment
  • How does Nightingale view disease?
    Disease is viewed as a reparative process instituted by nature
  • What does Abdellah's theory state about nursing?
    Nursing is based on an art and science that molds the attitudes, intellectual competencies, and technical skills of the nurse
  • What are the key aspects of Abdellah's patient-centered approaches?
    • Nursing as a service to individuals and families
    • Continuous care of the individual's total needs
    • Adjusting the nursing care plan to meet individual needs
    • Working with allied health professions for optimum health
  • What are the 10 steps to identify the client's problem according to Abdellah?
    1. Learn to know the patient
    2. Sort out relevant and significant data
    3. Make generalizations about available data
    4. Identify the therapeutic plan
    5. Test generalizations with the patient
    6. Validate the patient’s conclusion
    7. Continue to observe and evaluate the patient
    8. Explore the patient’s and family’s reaction
    9. Identify how the nurse feels about the patient’s problems
    10. Discuss and develop a comprehensive nursing care plan
  • What are Abdellah's 11 nursing skills?
    1. Observation of health status
    2. Skills of communication
    3. Application of knowledge
    4. Teaching of patients and families
    5. Planning and organization of work
    6. Use of resource materials
    7. Use of personnel resources
    8. Problem-solving
    9. Direction of work of others
    10. Therapeutic use of the self
    11. Nursing procedures
  • What are Abdellah's typology of 21 nursing problems?
    1. Maintain good hygiene and physical comfort
    2. Promote optimal activity: exercise, rest, and sleep
    3. Promote safety through prevention of accidents
    4. Maintain good body mechanics
    5. Facilitate oxygen supply to body cells
    6. Facilitate nutrition for body cells
    7. Facilitate elimination
    8. Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
    9. Recognize physiologic responses to disease
    10. Maintain regulatory mechanisms and functions
    11. Maintain sensory functions
    12. Identify and accept emotional expressions
    13. Facilitate effective communication
    14. Promote interpersonal relationships
    15. Facilitate personal spiritual goals
    16. Maintain a therapeutic environment
    17. Awareness of self as an individual
    18. Accept optimum goals within limitations
    19. Use community resources for problem resolution
    20. Understand social problems as influencing factors
  • What are the four major concepts in Abdellah's theory?
    • Nursing: A helping profession focused on meeting needs
    • Person: Individuals with physical, emotional, and sociological needs
    • Health: A state mutually exclusive of illness
    • Environment: The home or community from which the patient comes
  • What is Virginia Henderson known for in nursing theory?
    Developing the Nursing Need Theory
  • What is the focus of Henderson's Nursing Need Theory?
    Increasing the patient's independence to hasten their progress in the hospital
  • What are the 14 components of nursing according to Henderson?
    1. Breathing normally
    2. Eating and drinking adequately
    3. Eliminating body wastes
    4. Moving and maintaining a desirable position
    5. Sleeping and resting
    6. Selecting suitable clothes
    7. Maintaining body temperature
    8. Keeping the body clean and well-groomed
    9. Avoiding dangers in the environment
    10. Communicating with others
    11. Worshiping according to one’s faith
    12. Working for a sense of accomplishment
    13. Participating in recreation
    14. Learning and satisfying curiosity
  • What is the metaparadigm of nursing according to Henderson?
    • Person: Individuals needing assistance to achieve health and independence
    • Environment: External conditions affecting life and development
    • Nursing: Assists individuals in life activities and attaining independence
    • Health: Equated with independence and the ability to perform nursing care components unaided
  • the nursing focus of nightingale's theory
    Control of the environment for individuals, families and the community