Cards (44)

  • Who is Myra Estrin Levine?
    A nursing theorist known for her Conservation Model.
  • What is the goal of nursing according to Levine's Conservation Model?
    To promote adaptation and maintain wholeness using the four principles of conservation.
  • What year was Myra Estrin Levine born?
  • Where did Myra Estrin Levine receive her diploma in nursing?
    Cook County School of Nursing.
  • What degree did Levine earn from the University of Chicago in 1949?
    Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
  • What was Levine's role at Drexel Home in Chicago?
    Director of nursing.
  • When did Myra Estrin Levine die?
    March 20, 1996.
  • What was the initial purpose of the Conservation Model developed by Levine?
    It was constructed as a teaching framework for medical surgical nursing.
  • What are the three concepts of the Conservation Model?
    Wholeness, adaptation, and conservation.
  • How does Levine define wholeness in her model?

    As a condition of health where constant adaptations to the environment permit ease and assurance of integrity.
  • What is adaptation according to Levine?

    A process of change whereby the individual retains integrity within their internal and external environment.
  • What does conservation focus on in Levine's model?

    Achieving a balance of energy supply and demand within the individual's biological realities.
  • What are the four types of organismic responses in adaptation?
    Fight or flight, inflammatory-immune, stress, and perceptual awareness.
  • What does the conservation of energy principle refer to?
    Balance between energy expenditure and conservation, affecting patient activity.
  • What is the significance of conservation of personal integrity in nursing?
    It emphasizes the dignity, identity, and self-worth of the patient.
  • What does the conservation of social integrity involve?
    Helping individuals preserve their place in family, community, and society.
  • What are the two theories derived from the Conservation Model?
    Theory of redundancy and theory of therapeutic intention.
  • What does the theory of redundancy propose?
    Aging is diminished availability of redundant systems necessary for effective maintenance of well-being.
  • What is the purpose of the theory of therapeutic intention?
    To organize nursing interventions based on biological realities faced by nurses.
  • How does Levine's theory contribute to nursing and healthcare?
    It provides a systematic way to view patients holistically and intervene accordingly.
  • What is the summary of Myra Levine's theory?
    It interrelates the concepts of conservation, adaptation, and integrity to promote health.
  • Who is Lydia Eloise Hall?

    A nursing theorist who developed the Care, Cure, Core model of nursing.
  • What year was Lydia Hall born?
  • What degree did Lydia Hall earn from Columbia University?
    Bachelor of Science in public health nursing.
  • What are the three aspects of Lydia Hall's nursing theory?
    The care, the core, and the cure.
  • What does "the care" aspect of Hall's theory involve?

    Nurturing component of care that provides bodily care and helps patients with daily activities.
  • How does "the core" aspect of Hall's theory function?

    It involves the therapeutic use of self to help patients express feelings regarding their health.
  • What does "the cure" aspect of Hall's theory entail?

    Care based on pathological and therapeutic sciences, assisting doctors and advocating for patients.
  • How do the three aspects of Hall's theory interact?
    They emphasize the importance of a total person approach and function together.
  • What is the focus of Hall's nursing metaparadigm?
    The individual who is 16 years or older and past the acute stage of a long-term illness.
  • How does Hall define health in her theory?

    As a state of self-awareness with conscious selection of optimal behaviors.
  • What is the significance of the environment in Hall's theory?

    It relates to the individual and affects their psychological experience during treatment.
  • What is the summary of Lydia Hall's theory?
    It involves three interlocking circles representing care, core, and cure aspects of nursing.
  • Who is Martha Rogers?

    A nursing theorist known for her work on energy fields and homeodynamics.
  • What year was Martha Rogers born?
  • What does Martha Rogers mean by "energy fields"?

    They are the fundamental unit of both living and nonliving beings, characterized as infinite and pandimensional.
  • How does Martha Rogers define "patterns"?

    As energy fields that represent a person's whole existence, perceptually present in all interactions.
  • What is Martha Rogers' definition of homeodynamics?

    The evolution of a person's life process, including physiological equilibrium and continuous interactions with the environment.
  • What are the components of homeodynamics according to Martha Rogers?
    Resonancy, helicy, integrality, synchrony, and reciprocity.
  • What does the nursing metaparadigm according to Martha Rogers entail?
    Nursing is considered a profession that promotes health and well-being for all persons.