Cards (33)

  • When was Dorothy E. Johnson born?
    August 21, 1919
  • Where did Dorothy E. Johnson earn her Bachelor of Science in Nursing?
    Vanderbilt University
  • In what year did Dorothy E. Johnson receive her Master’s degree?
  • What position did Johnson hold at the University of California in Los Angeles?
    Professor of nursing
  • When did Dorothy E. Johnson retire?
  • What is the main focus of Johnson's Behavior System Model of Nursing?
    To foster efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to prevent illness
  • How many behavioral subsystems are defined in Johnson's model?
  • What happens when there is an imbalance in any of the behavioral subsystems?
    It results in disequilibrium
  • What are the four structural characteristics of each subsystem in Johnson's model?
    Drive, set, choices, and observable behaviors
  • What are the three functional requirements for each subsystem in Johnson's model?
    • Protection from noxious influences
    • Provision for a nurturing environment
    • Stimulation for growth
  • What is the definition of nursing according to Johnson by 1980?
    An external regulatory force which acts to preserve the organization and integration of the patient’s behavior at an optimal level
  • What are the four goals of nursing according to Johnson?

    1. Assist the patient to behave in accordance with social demands
    2. Enable the patient to modify behavior supporting biological imperatives
    3. Help the patient benefit from the physician’s knowledge during illness
    4. Prevent unnecessary trauma as a consequence of illness
  • What are the seven subsystems of behavior in Johnson's model?
    1. Attachment or affiliative subsystem
    2. Dependency subsystem
    3. Ingestive subsystem
    4. Eliminative subsystem
    5. Sexual subsystem
    6. Aggressive subsystem
    7. Achievement subsystem
  • What additional subsystem was added to Johnson's model?
    Restorative subsystem
  • What does the restorative subsystem focus on?
    Rest, sleep, comfort, and freedom from pain
  • What are the assumptions about the human and the becoming in Parse's theory?
    • Humans coexist while reconstituting rhythmical patterns with the universe.
    • Humans are open and freely choose meaning in situations.
    • Humans are unitary and continuously reconstitute patterns of relating.
    • Becoming is an open process of continuous growth.
    • Health and becoming are intertwined.
  • When was Rosemarie Rizzo Parse born?
  • What university did Parse attend for her education?
    Duquesne University
  • What is the focus of Parse's Theory of Human Becoming?
    The human-universe-health process
  • What are the three main themes of Parse's Theory of Human Becoming?
    Meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence
  • What are the principles associated with the themes in Parse's theory?
    • Meaning: imagining, valuing, and languaging
    • Rhythmicity: revealing-concealing, enabling-limiting, and connecting-separating
    • Transcendence: powering, originating, and transforming
  • How does Johnson's model differ from Parse's theory in terms of focus?
    Johnson's model focuses on behavioral systems, while Parse's theory emphasizes the human-universe-health process
  • What is the metaparadigm of Parse's theory?
    • Person: An open being in mutual process with the universe
    • Environment: Inseparable and evolving together with human beings
    • Health: A process of changing life’s meanings and personal power
    • Nursing: A basic science and performing art
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Johnson's Behavioral System Model?
    • Focus on behavioral functioning to prevent illness
    • Clear structure with defined subsystems

    • Individual-oriented framework
    • Lack of consideration for families and communities
    • Potential for fractionalized care
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Parse's Theory of Human Becoming?
    • Emphasizes the human-universe relationship
    • Focus on individual meaning and choice

    • May lack concrete application in clinical settings
    • Complexity may hinder understanding
  • What is the focus of the attachment or affiliative subsystem?

    Social inclusion, intimacy, and the formation and attachment of a strong social bond.
  • What does the dependency subsystem emphasize?

    Approval, attention or recognition, and physical assistance.
  • How does the ingestive subsystem relate to social events?

    It emphasizes the meaning and structures of the social events surrounding the occasion when food is eaten.
  • What is the focus of the eliminative subsystem?

    Behavior surrounding the excretion of waste products from the body.
  • What factors affect behavior in the sexual subsystem?

    Both biological and social factors affect behavior in the sexual subsystem.
  • What is the aggressive subsystem concerned with?

    Behavior concerned with protection and self-preservation.
  • What does the achievement subsystem provoke?

    Behaviors that attempt to control the environment.
  • What are the main subsystems discussed in the study material and their focuses?
    • Attachment or affiliative subsystem: Social inclusion, intimacy, and strong social bonds.
    • Dependency subsystem: Approval, attention, recognition, and physical assistance.
    • Ingestive subsystem: Meaning and structures of social events around eating.
    • Eliminative subsystem: Behavior surrounding waste excretion.
    • Sexual subsystem: Biological and social factors affecting sexual behavior.
    • Aggressive subsystem: Behavior related to protection and self-preservation.
    • Achievement subsystem: Behaviors attempting to control the environment.