how michelanglo's creation if adam expresses catholic belief

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    1. God is sat within a cloud surrounded by floating angels showing his transcendence. This suggests that God is not confined to the limits of this world. Some believe the cloud is in fact a brain, showing that God is omniscient
  • 2. God appears very different to Adam. He is elderly, with grey hair, but he is also muscular and healthy. This indicates that God is the father of Adam, and also suggests wisdom: God is omniscient
  • 3. God is shown almost touching Adam. In doing so he is about to give life to adam. God is therefor an Omnipotent creator. He make Adam healthy and strong demonstrating his love for him as his father, showing that God is omnibenevolent
  • 4. God is shown next to a woman who some believe is Eve, suggesting he has planned for Adam to have a companion. This shows Gods omnibenevolence and omniscience. Others believe the woman to be Virgin Mary, with the Christ child to her left. This indicates that God knows Adam will sin and fall from grace, so he has planned for a 'last Adam' (jesus) to come and save humans and bring them back to grace ('The first man, Adam, became a living being; the last Adam became a life - giving spirit' - 1 Corinthians 15-45)
  • 5. Adam is portrayed in a relaxed position opposite yo God, lazily reaching his hand towards God. He appears to not be fully animated and requires God's touch to bring him to life. As Adam represents all humanity, this means that humans are dependent on God to give them life. By giving humans the spark of life, God gave humanity the sanctity of life. ( 'Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being')
  • 6. Adam represents the belief that humans are the children of God as life comes from God. This is seen in the age of Adam compared to God. He is much younger than God, with God looking down on him like a father. This suggests humans have a special dignity as they come from God.
  • 7. Adam mirrors God: he was similar features and build, and echoes God's position. St Catherine of Siena taught that the soul is the mirror of God, and this can be seen clearly here in Adam. Humans are made imago dei and so have a special likeness and resemblance to God. This means that God loves humans as he makes them like him. ('So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.' - Genesis 1:27).