The half-life of a particular isotope is defined as the time taken for half the nuclei of that isotope in any sample to decay
The rate at which the activity of a sample decreases is measured in terms of half-life
This is the time it takes for the activity of a sample to fall to half its original level
This is the time it takes for the activity of the sample to decrease from 100 % to 50 %
It is the same length of time as it would take to decrease from 50 % activity to 25 % activity
Different isotopes have different half-lives and half-lives can vary from a fraction of a second to billions of years in length
The half-life is constant for a particular isotope
Half-life can be determined from an activity–time graph
The graph shows how the activity of a radioactive sample changes over time. Each time the original activity halves, another half-life has passed
A) dropped
B) half
C) dropped
D) quarter
E) 1 half life
F) 2 half lives
Half-life can also be represented on a table
As the number of the half-life increases, the proportion of the isotope remaining halves
Table showing the number of half-lives to the proportion of isotope remaining
To find the time for the half-life find half of the activity first
A) initial
B) dropped
C) half
D) dropped
E) quarter
F) 1 half life
G) 2 half lives
To remove background radiation from the decay curve:
Start by measuring the background radiation (with no sources present) – this is called the background count
Then carry out the experiment
Subtract the background count from each reading, to provide a corrected count
The corrected count is your best estimate of the radiation emitted from the source and should be used to measure its half-life
When measuring radioactive emissions, some of the detected radiation will be background
A) background radiation
When looking for the corresponding time for the activity, it is good practice to draw a line on the graph with your ruler like is done in the mark scheme of the worked example
This ensures you're reading the most accurate value possible.