Wra and Wrb (Diego system) is first classified as an independent blood group system and later as a collection
Yt System (011), formerly known as Cartwright is located on Acetylcholinesterase
Sensitive to reducing agents
Antibodies are IgG
Associated with transfusion reaction but no reports have associated Yt with HDN
Xg System (012) is located at the short arm of X chromosome
Antigen is sensitive to most enzymes but not to reducing agents; poor immunogenic
Yta antigen (Yt system) has high incidence, and Ytb has low incidence
Yta antigen (Yt system) variably sensitive to certain enzymes; not well developed at birth; strongly immunogenic
Ytb antigen (Yt system) is well developed at birth but poorly immunogenic
Anti-Xga (Xg system) is IgG and binds C'
Associated with HTR and HDN
Scianna System (013) is composed of Sc1 (high)/ Sc2 (low), Sc3 (High), Radin [Rd] (low)
Sc1/Sc2 (Scianna system) are resistant to standard enzymes; sensitive to reducing agents
Anti-Sc1 (Scianna system) is IgG and binds to C'
Not implicated with HTR
Anti-Sc2 (Scianna system) is rare and does not bind to C'
Not implemented with HTR
Anti-Sc2 and anti-Rd (Scianna system) are associated with mild HDN
Anti-Sc3 (Scianna system) is IgG
Associated with HTR but not with HDN
Dombrock System (014) consists of Doa / Dob , Gregory (Gya ), Holley ( Hy ), Joseph (Joa)
Associated with acute/delayed HTR but not with HDN
Absence of DO expression is seen in PNH III
Doa/Dob (Dombrock system) are resistant to ficin and papain, and sensitive to trypsin, pronase and reducing agents
DO antibodies (Dombrock system) are weakly reactive IgG and does not bind C'
Reacts optimally in IAR with PEG or enzyme enhancement
Colton System (015) is composed of Coa/Cob, and Co3 (formerly Coab)
All antigens are resistant to all enzymes and reducing agents
Located on Aquaporin-1
Antibodies are IgG; associated with acute/delayed HTR
Coa antigen (Colton system) has high incidence
Cob antigen (Colton system) is only 10% of random population
Aquaporin-1 is a primary plasma membrane water channels for the regulation of osmotic water transport
Anti-Cob (Colton system) weakly binds C’; associated with subclinical to mild HDN
Co3 (Colton system) has high incidence antigen present on RBCs carrying Coa and/or Cob but not in null phenotype
Anti-Co3 (Colton system) has potent IgG and binds C’; associated with severe HDN and mild HTR
Co(a-b-) (Colton system) is linked with monosomy 7 of the bone marrow (associated with myeloid leukemia and preleukemia dysmyelopoietic syndromes)
Chido/Rodgers System (017) has 9 antigens = 6 Chido Antigens, 2 Rogers Antigens and WH antigen
None of the antigens are antithetical
Poorly expressed on cord cells, sensitive to treatment with most enzymes and resistant to reducing agents
Antibodies are collectively grouped as “high-titer low avidity”
Associated with human leukocyte antigen system and complement proteins
Gerbich System (020) is composed of 3 high incidence antigens (Ge2, Ge3, Ge4) and 4 low incidence antigens (Wb, Lsa , Ana , Dha)
Expressed on RBC membrane glycophorin C and/or D
Antibodies are generally IgG, RBC stimulated, variably binds C'
Individuals with the Leach phenotype → GE: -2, -3, -4, (Gerbich system) is associated with elliptocytosis
Anti-Ge2 & Anti-Ge3 can be IgM; it isnon-RBC stimulated
Associated with acute/delayed HTR but not HDN
Little is known about the Antibodies against low incidence GE antigens
Cromer System (021) is composed of 8 high incidence antigens (Cra, Tea, Dra, Esa, IFC, UMC, WESb, GUTI) and 3 low incidence antigens (Tcb, Tcc, and WESa)
Most antigens are sensitive to chymotrypsin and pronase
Reducing agents have little effect
Antigens are carried by DAF (CD55)
Antibodies are generally IgG1
Antibodies are rarely observed
Inab (Cromer system) is a null phenotype; it lacks DAF
Knops System (022) is composed of 8 antigens: Kna/Knb, Sl11 (Swain-Langley)/Sl2 (Vil), McCa/McCb, Yka, and Sl3
Antigens are resistant to ficin and papain, weakened/destroyed by trypsin, chymotrypsin and reducing agent
Poorly expressed on cord cells and depressed in patients with autoimmune disease
Antigens are carried in CR1
Antibodies are IgG, RBC stimulated, weakly/variably reacts at IAR phase
Clinically insignificant (no reports of HTR/HDN)
Indian System (023) by Badakere et al in 1973, composed of 2 antigens: Ina/Inb
Antigens are susceptible to most enzymes and reducing agents
Poorly expressed on cord cells
Antigens are carried on CD44
Antigens are immunogenic
Antibodies are IgG, RBC-stimulated, reactive at IAR phase; not associated with HDN
Anti-Inb (Indian system) has few HTR cases reported