erhard era

Cards (5)

  • 1963 - erhard became chancellor of FRG , inherited criticisms levelled at Adenauer's regime
  • domestic policies he introduced:
    • introduced social welfare reforms
    • focused gov spending on education (extending length at compulsory education and standardising the education system) and housing benefits
  • Erhard aimed to renunify Germany and believed if he offered $25 billion loan to USSR , they would permit german unification
    • plan never happened as Krushchev (first secretary of communist party during cold war) fell from power , USSR got loans for elsewhere
  • supporting US and alienating France:
    - Erhard had a bad relationship with French leader Charles de Gaulle
    - Erhard supported US in Vietnam War
    - US prioritized Asia over West Germany (in terms of Vietnam War)
    - Erhard did not realize US acted in its self-interest, not Europe's.
  • gov budget:
    • west germany had budget deficit
    • in minor recession in 1966 Erhard increased taxation
    • factions within gov defected (many disagreed with his choice to raise taxations , weakened his position and erhard resigned)