Explanation of Attachment: The learning theory of attachment

    Cards (14)

    • Background
      • The learning theory of attachment suggests that an infant learns to form an attachment to a caregiver through classical and operant conditioning #
    • Classical conditioning and attachment 
      • Classical conditioning is learning through association
      • Classical conditioning has been used to explain attachment
      • According to this explanation, food (UCS) produces pleasure (UCR) in an infant
      • The mother (NS) initially causes no response in the infant
      • However, the infant learns to associate the mother with the food, and soon, the mother alone (CS) will produce the pleasure (CR) that is usually produced by food
      • The infant will therefore form an attachment to the mother as she creates a sense of pleasure 
    • Before conditioning
      Food (UCS) > Pleasure (UCR)
      Mother (NS) > No response
      During conditioning
      Food (UCS) + Mother (NS) > Pleasure (UCR)
      After conditioning
      Mother (CS) > Pleasure (CR)
    • What is operant conditioning?
      Learning through consequences
    • Who used operant conditioning to explain attachment?
      Dollard & Miller
    • What creates discomfort in an infant according to Dollard & Miller's explanation?
    • What happens when an infant is fed?
      Their discomfort is reduced, producing feelings of pleasure
    • What is considered the primary reinforcer in the context of attachment?
    • What does the infant learn to recognize as a secondary reinforcer?
      The person who provides food
    • What is the effect of remaining in close proximity to the person who provides food?
      The infant will be fed, experiencing positive reinforcement
    • What does negative reinforcement help the infant avoid?
      The discomfort of hunger
    • What behavior does the infant repeat as a result of operant conditioning?
      Remaining in close proximity to the person who provides food
    • What is the outcome of the infant's behavior of remaining close to the food provider?
      The infant forms an attachment to that person
    • Cupboard love
      • The learning theory of attachment is also known as the cupboard love theory
      • This is because it proposes that attachment bonds are formed based upon the provision of food
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