Six Articles Of Faith

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  • What are the 6 articles of faith in sunni islam?





  • What is tawhid?
    Having absolute faith in the oneness of God.
  • What is Malaikah?
    Belief in angels.
  • Why are angels important?
    They were the first creation of Allah.
  • What is the belief in Kutub?
    Belief in holy books. They should be respected.
  • What is special about the Qur'an?
    unchanged words of Allah, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  • What is Nubuwwah?
    belief in prophethood.
  • What do muslims believe about prophets?
    They should be respected but not worshipped.
  • How would Allah communicate with the prophets?
    through angels.
  • What is Akhirah?
    Day of judgement & the afterlife.
  • What do muslims believe about life on earth?
    life on earth is a test & after death you will be judged by God to be sent to either heaven or hell.
  • What is Al-Qadr?
    Predestination. Everything follows Allah's masterplan. Allah has decided everything that happens.