Fight or flight

Cards (10)

  • What does fight or flight do
    -helps an individual to react quicker than normal and facilitates optimal functioning so that they can fight a threat or run away from it
    -combines nervous and endocrine system
  • Outline the first step of the fight flight response
    -a person perceives an acute stressor
  • outline the step 2
    -the amygdala is activated which sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus which detects the signal
  • outline step 3
    -this signal is sent to the sympathetic nervous system. the adrenal gland is then stimulated
  • outline step 4
    -this gland then secretes adrenaline into the blood stream
  • outline step 5
    -adrenaline leads to a number of physiological changes such as increased heart rate and dilated pupils
    -these changes prepare the body to either run from the stressor or fight the stressor
  • outline step 6
    -once the stressor is overcome the parasympathetic nervous system returns the body to a state of relaxation
    -rest and digest
  • What is a weakness of the f and f response
    -it is maladaptive and can therefore have a negative effect on health especially in modern day life.
    -modern day stressors tend to be non life threatening. however they still trigger the release of adrenalin and other stress hormones
    -overtime this can have a devastating effect on health
  • outline another weakness of f and f
    -Gray (1988) suggests that the first response to danger is to avoid confrontation altogether which is demonstrated the freeze response
    -F and F is too simplistic
  • Outline another weakness of f and f
    -Taylor et al (2002) suggest that females adopt a tend and befriend response in stressful or dangerous situations
    -according to Taylor women are more likely to protect their offspring(tending) and form alliances with other women(befriend) rather than fight or run away
    -this means there are individual differences in the way men and women respond