what are the two types of evil in Christian teachings?
natural evil and moral evil
what is moral evil?
evil that has been created by humans using their free will to make bad choices. For example: murder, shoplifting and war
what is natural evil?
any evil that has been caused by nature or anything other than human action, such as Earthquakes, tsunamis and childhood cancers
Catholics teach that moral evil exists because God gave humans freewill and because humans have inherited orignal sin
original sin brought disorder into humanity but also nature, which is why natural evil exists too
The account of the fall in Genesis represents the time when the whole of creation was thrown off balance
the catholic church teaches the story of Adam and Eve is metaphorical and portrays the moment when humans first turned away from God. It's referred to as the 'fall' as humans fell from grace with God
Muslims do not share the Catholic belief in original sin because of differences in creation accounts
adam has a different punishment
Iblis is the source of evil in Islam
Judaism teaches everyone is born with inclination to do no good
everyone one has freewill and must take responsibility for their actions