inferential testing

Cards (15)

  • 3 features of statistical test?
    1. difference or correlation
    2. level of data
    3. experimental design
  • explain difference or correlation?
    need to know if a study is test of difference or if looking for relationship between 2 variables
  • words that show its correlational study?
  • explain level of data?
  • explain nominal data?
    no unit of measurement
  • explain ordinal data?
    rankings/ratings not on fixed scale
    often in questionnaire/self report method
  • explain interval data?
    data on fixed scale
    e.g time in seconds, height in cm
  • explain experimental design?
    could be using independent design
    could be related - matched pairs or repeated design
  • draw the statistical table?
  • observed value abbreviations examples?
    speamans rho - Rs value
    sign test - S value
    wilcoxon - T value
    mann whitney - U value
    chi squared - x2 value
    pearsons r - P value
    t tests - T value
  • how to analyse inferential stats?
    1. whether one tailed/two tailed hypothesis has been used
    2. number of participants used (n)
    3. what level of significance is used - p<0.05 p<0.01
    4. check whether observed value is greater than less than or same as critical value to see whether data is significant
  • explain degrees of freedom?
    number of independent values/quantities which can be assigned to a stats distribution that are free to vary
  • stucture of answer for significant results?
    as the observed value of ... is greater/less/equal to critical value for one/two tailed test for n (how many participants there are) results are therefore significant/not significant at p<0.05 or p<0.01
  • Sign test?
    • repeated measures
    • nominal data
    • test of difference
  • Sign test calculation?
    • S - smallest value
    • N - number of participants
    • P - probability
    • CV - critical value