as one need is satisfied then the need immediately above it on the pyramid becomes the dominant motivator/takes precedence
1 - physical needs - a manager can motivate their workers by ensuring they receive a fair wage, bonuses, profit-sharing in order that the physical needs for food, clothes, shelter etc can be met
2 - safety needs - managers can make employees feel safe and secure by - offering long erm contracts of employment, providing grievance procedures and free medical check-ups
3 - social needs - the social needs of employees can be met through offering remote working or flexi-time which allows employees to spend more time with their families
4 - esteem needs - managers can facilitate a workers' esteem needs through offereing rpaise and rewards such as a new job title or an attractive office
5 - Self-actualisation needs - management offering workers a career plan, training and development opportunities and promotion to positions of responsibility can meet these needs