At what angle do the forces due to pressure act on a given surface in any fluid?
At right angles (normal to) the surface.
What is the equation used to calculate pressure?
Pressure (Pa) = Force (N) / Area (m²)
Why does atmospheric pressure vary with the height above the earth's surface?
The number of air molecules decreases the higher you go, leading to decreased pressure.
True or False: The pressure in a fluid is determined by the fluid and the atmospheric pressure.
In what direction does pressure act in a fluid?
All directions.
How does pressure in fluids increase with depth?
As depth increases, the mass of the liquid above increases, leading to increased pressure.
Why does pressure in fluids increase with density?
As density increases, there are more particles in a given volume, increasing the weight and pressure.
What equation shows the magnitude of pressure in liquids at different depths?
Pressure (Pa) = Column height (m) x density (kg/m³) x gravitational field strength (N/kg)
Why are objects in a fluid subject to an upthrust?
Objects submerged in fluid experience higher pressure below than above, leading to an upwards force called upthrust.
What is the magnitude of the upthrust felt by an object?
Upthrust is equal to the weight of fluid displaced by the object.
How can you determine if an object will sink or float?
If the upthrust is greater than the weight of the object, it will float; if the weight is greater, it will sink.
Explain why an object with a density more than that of water would never float.
Upthrust equals the weight of the displaced fluid; if the object's density is high, it won't displace enough fluid to produce sufficient upthrust to float.