Cards (4)

  • Music provides rhythmic pulses which are driving and repetitive to match the fast-paced, driving technical movements of the dancers.
    Direct Correlation moment- Run into 1st Jump in parallel with arms above head, then 2nd parallel jump and then jump out into a turned-out fourth with arms in 2nd. Matches the staccato drum beat in the Sound Score. Links to Alston’s starting point for ‘Strong Language’ DANCE/MUSIC RELATIONSHIP

    Dance music visualisation- Flamenco arms with fingertips closing to water sounds in the music.
  • sounds and rhythmic patterns created by Marc Gowan. Motifs were created from the sounds, qualities and rhythms e.g. music during woman in skirts section was created from listening to the counts created in a lyrical style.
  • A dance work that plays with and against the music, sometimes matching the rhythms perfectly, sometimes deliberately pulling against them. Ie Direct Correlation and Dissociation.
  • Peter Mumford’s 10 successive lighting washes - play a central role taking the place of the more traditional cyclorama (backcloth) and clearly influencing the visual impact of the dance.