Classical conditioning (Assump 1)

Cards (7)

  • Who conducted this?
  • What was he proving?
    Learning was through association of a neutral stimuli with a new learned response
  • How did he prove this?
    Demonstrated that dogs could be conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell if it was continuously presented at the same time as food
  • Diagram
    • UCSUCR
    • NS→ NR
    • UCS + NS→UCR
    • CS→CR
  • Dog Diagram
    • Before- UCS (food)→ UCR (Salivation)
    • Before- NS (whistle)→NR
    • During- UCS +NS→UCR
    • After- CS (whistle)→CR (Salivation)
  • Evaluation - Useful application
    Development of treatments to reduce phobias such as systematic desensitisation. This aims at counter conditioning and reassociating the feared stimuli with a more positive response.
  • Evaluation - Deterministic
    People have no control over the reactions they have learned from classical conditioning, such as a phobia being learnt due to a learnt association. Therefore behaviours can be 'shaped', that is if they can taught to unlearn it.