
Cards (14)

  • What is the independent variable (IV) in an experiment?
    The variable that is changed by the researcher
  • What is the dependent variable (DV) in an experiment?
    The variable that is measured in response to the IV
  • What are extraneous variables?
    Additional or unwanted variables identified at the start of a study that are controlled or removed by the researcher.
  • Why are participant variables important in research?
    They are individual differences that may affect the dependent variable.
  • What are situational variables?
    Features about the experimental situation that may affect the dependent variable.
  • What are confounding variables?
    Variables that change the independent variable and are usually identified after.
  • Why must extraneous variables be eliminated?
    To prevent them from becoming confounding variables.
  • What are the methods to control variables in research?
    • Standardisation
    • Counterbalancing
    • Randomisation
    • Single Blind Study
    • Double Blind Study
  • What is counterbalancing in research?
    It attempts to balance out the effects of order between two conditions.
  • What is a single blind study?
    A study where the participant is unaware of the research aims or conditions they are receiving.
  • What is a double blind study?
    A study where neither the participant nor the researcher knows the research aims or conditions.
  • What is randomisation in research design?
    The use of chance to control for the effects of bias when designing materials and deciding the order of conditions.
  • What are order effects in research?
    Effects that occur due to the order in which conditions are presented to participants.
  • What is investigator effects?
    Any effect of the investigator’s behavior on the research outcome.