cognitive interview

Cards (12)

  • who developed the cognitive interview?
    fisher and geiselman
  • what's the main aim of the cognitive interview?
    improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony
  • what are the 4 principles of cognitive interview?
    1. report everything
    2. reinstate the context
    3. reverse order
    4. change perspective
  • outline reporting everything
    witness recalls every detail of the event because minor details act as a cue to trigger important information
  • outline reinstating the context
    witness is encouraged to return to scene of event to provide cues to help recall detail
  • outline reversing the order of recall
    prevents the witness's expectations of what happened interfering with their memory
  • outline changing perspective
    prevents reporting of the individual's expectations
  • when was the enhanced cognitive interview developed?
  • explain the focus of the enhanced cognitive interview
    focuses on the dynamic between the interviewer and witness
  • strength - research support
    • Kohnken
    • meta-analysis of 53 studies and CI was 34% more accurate
    • more details were recalled but wasn't all accurate
  • weakness - practicality
    • Milne & Bull
    • police officers struggle to use techniques due to training, times and resources
    • report everything and reinstate context were most effective
  • weakness - individual differences
    • Mello & Fisher
    • CI was more effective for older adults
    • limits generalisability