Cards (23)

  • who proposed the multi-store model of memory?
    Atkinson & Shiffrin in 1968
  • what are the main 3 components of the MSM?
    1. sensory register
    2. short-term memory
    3. long-term memory
  • outline the role of the sensory register
    where sensory stimuli from environment is stored
  • what's the duration of the sensory register?
    less than 1/2 a second
    • unless paid attention to
  • what's the capacity of the sensory register?
    quite large
  • how is information coded in the sensory register?
    divided by the different senses
    • iconic = images
    • echoic = sounds
  • outline the role of the short-term memory
    if stimulus is paid attention to it, it enters the STM to be stored
  • how is information kept in the STM?
    maintenance rehearsal
  • explain what maintenance rehearsal is
    repeating something over and over again
  • what's the capacity of the STM?
    7 chunks of information
  • what's the duration of the STM?
    around 30 seconds unless rehearsed
  • how is information encoded in the STM?
  • outline the role of the long-term memory
    if information is rehearsed for a long period of time, it transfers to the LTM
  • how is information coded in the LTM?
  • what's the capacity of the LTM?
  • what's the duration of the LTM?
  • how is information recalled from the LTM?
    retrieved from LTM and moved into STM
  • what study undermined the importance of the maintenance loop?
  • outline the method of tulving's study
    • 24 participants show list of 60 words
    • had to recall with different types of processing
    1. shallow - was word in capital letters or lowercase?
    2. deep - tested meaning of the word
    3. auditory - does the word rhyme?
  • what were the findings of tulving's study?
    • participants had better recall when words were deeply processed
    • type of processing impacts how memory is stored
  • strength - research support
    • HM case study
    • couldn't form long-term memories but could form short-term memories
    • lacks generalisability as it's a case study
  • weakness - simplified
    • working memory model had different types of short-term memory
    • dual task studies reiterated that
    • multi store model is simplistic
  • weakness - undermining evidence
    • Brown and Kulik
    • flashbulb memories with high emotion doesn't require rehearsal
    • challenges assumptions