Run at increasing speeds between markers 20m apart
Recovery for 10 secs between runs
Repeat until exhaustion
*periods of rest simulate intermittent exercise
cooper 12-minute run test
12-mins of sustained high intensity running close to the athletes LIP
Aim is to cover as much distance as possible
*not maximal which makes it ideal for unfit people as they can go at their own pace
2.4km run test
Run a 2.4km course in the shortest time possible
rockport 1.6km walking test
Walk a 1.6km course in the shortest time possible
Heart rate is measured immediately after finishing
harvard step-test
Participant steps up and down the platform at a rate of 30 steps per minute (every 2 secs) for 5 mins or until they cannot maintain the stepping rate for 15 secs
VO2 max. Astrand-Rhyming cycle ergometer test
Participants pedal on a cycle ergometer at a constant workload for 7 mins
Heart rate is measured every minute
VO2 max. treadmill test
Participant is required to walk/run/jog on a treadmill until exhaustion
Test begins with a paced walk and will gradually increase in speed and/or incline every 3 mins until exhaustion
*maximal test
*directly measures aerobic power
Semo agility test (field sports)
Cones are placed in rectangle of 3.6m x 5.7m
Participant side steps for 3.6m around another cone for 3.6m and sprints forward
Repeat until participant reaches the starting point to finish
Illinois agility test (short sharp change in direction)
Cones are placed in a rectangle of 10m x 5m with a four cone slalom in the middle
On ‘go’ the athlete gets up and runs forward 10m to run around a cone, the back 10m, then runs up and back through a slalom course of four cones
Finally the athlete runs another 10m and back past the finishing cone, at which the timing is stopped
5-0-5 agility test (court sports)
Set up markers 10m and 15m from starting line
The participant springs from the starting line through the 10m marker towards the 15 marker where they turn on the line and run back through the 10m marker
Time is recorded from where the participant first runs through the 10m marker
Stop when they return through that marker
Phosphate recovery test (intermittent sports)
Repeated 7 second sprints across a course with 23 secs recovery after each sprint
Athlete attempts to move past as many cones (1-10) as possible
Score is measured on their ability to maintain performance across all sprints
30-second Wingate test (shorter test of maximal effort)
Stationary exercise bike
Pedal as fast as possible
Against predetermined resistance
For 30 secs
Repco peak power test
Cycle ergometer
On ‘go’ signal, participant stands on the pedals and accelerates to maximum power and maintain that for 10 secs
Complete 2 trials with at least a 3-min rest between trials
Doesn’t take into account muscle
Only estimation
Participant is weighed + height is measured
Equation: BMI = weight (kg) x height^2 (m^2)
Skinfolds measurement
May be culturally inappropriate
Tester pinches skin from different standard anatomical sites around the body
Appliances: callipers to take measurements
Trunk flexion (sit-and-reach) test
Sit on the floor with legs stretched out and knees on the ground
Palms face downwards and hands together, subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible
Trunk rotation test
Participant stands with back facing the wall about an arm’s length away from the wall
Participant must twist to their right and touch the wall behind them as far from the midway line as possible
Groin flexibility test
Participant sits on the floor with legs together, knees bent and feet flat on the floor
Let knees drop sideways as far as possible keeping the feet together
Measure the distance from the heels to the groin
Shoulder and wrist elevation test
Participant lies on the floor with their arms fully extended overhead
They grasp one ruler with their hands shoulder-width apart and raise the ruler as high as possible while keeping their chin on the floor
Trunk and neck extension test
Participant lays prone on the floor with their hands clasped at the side of their head
Participant must try to lift the upper body off the floor using the muscles of the back as much as possible
Ankle extension/dorsiflexion test
Participant stands facing a wall with their feet flat on the ground and toes touching the wall
With the chest touching the wall the participant slowly slides their feet back from the wall as far as possible
Shoulder rotation test
Participant holds a stick in front of the body with both hands wide apart and palms facing downwards
Maintaining the hand grip on the object, lift it over the head to behind the back
Repeat the test, moving hands closer together each time until the movement cannot be completed
60-second push-up test
Do as many pushups as possible until exhaustion or 60 secs is reached
30-second sit-up test
Do as many sit ups as possible or 30 secs is reached
Lie on mat with knees flexed and arms placed across their chest
Curl-up (crunch) test
Test requires participants to complete as many curl ups as possible at a rate of 20 per min (up to a max. Of 60) over a 3 min period
Pull-up/modified pull-up test
Participant pulls with their arms to raise their chest to the bar, then they return to the starting position
Participant repeats the action as many times as possible (until exhaustion)
Flexed arm hang test
Participant grasps the overhead bar using an overhand grip (palms facing away from body) with the hands shoulder width apart
On the command ‘go’ timingstarts
Participant should attempt to hold this position for as long as possible
1-RM (bench press, back squat, leg press)
*make specific to the RM test selected
Measure maximal weight a participant can lift with one repetition
Participant attempts to complete successful repetitions with gradual increases in weight
Test continues until the participant cannot successfully lift the weight
Grip strength dynamometer
Participant (in a standing position) holds the dynamometer above their body and lowers it to their side while squeezing vigorously exerting their maximum force
Push-pull dynamometer
Participant holds the dynamometer with both hands in front of their chest
They then pull the handles outwards and apart with as much force as possible
After rest the participant then pushes the handles inwards and together with as much force as possible
Seven-stage abdominal strength test
*safer for people with poor health
Participant lies on their back, with their knees bent and feet flat on the floor
They attempt to perform one complete situp for each level in the prescribed manner
Each level increases in difficulty
Seated basketball throw
Sit against a wall and chest pass the ball as far as possible while keeping the back against the wall
Standing long jump
Subject stands stationary behind a line and then jumps forward from two feet as far as they can
Vertical jump
Athlete starts standing with both feet on the ground
Must leap vertically as high as possible using both arms and legs to assist in projecting the body upwards as high as possible
Margaria-Kalamen stair sprint test
Athlete stands ready at the starting line 6m from the first step
On ‘go’, the athlete sprints to and up the flight of steps, taking 3 steps at a time, attempting to go up the steps as fast as possible