key studies

    Cards (26)

    • What was the aim of the study conducted by Stafford and Canary (2006)?

      To investigate how equity and satisfaction predicted the use of maintenance strategies in marriage
    • What was the procedure used in the study by Stafford and Canary (2006)?
      • Over 200 married couples participated
      • Completed measures of equity and relationship satisfaction tests
      • Each spouse answered questions about:
      • Use of maintenance strategies
      • Division of household tasks/chores
      • Levels of positivity in relationships
    • What was the main finding regarding relationship satisfaction in the study?
      Satisfaction was highest for spouses who perceived their relationships to be equitable
    • How did under-benefited husbands compare to equitable or over-benefited husbands in terms of relationship maintenance strategies?
      Under-benefited husbands reported significantly lower levels of relationship maintenance strategies
    • What relationship did the study find between equity and marital happiness?
      • The relationship between equity and marital happiness appeared to be complementary
      • Spouses treated equitably tended to be happier
      • Happier spouses were more likely to engage in behaviors contributing to their partner's equity
    • What conclusion did Stafford and Canary (2006) draw from their study?
      There is a positive relationship between relationship satisfaction and equity, with spouses reporting higher levels of compatibility
    • What was the aim of Le and Agnew's (2003) study?
      To investigate Rusbult’s investment model of relationship
    • What method was used in Le and Agnew's (2003) study?
      A meta-analysis was carried out
    • How many studies were included in the meta-analysis by Le and Agnew (2003)?
      53 studies
    • How many independent samples were represented in Le and Agnew's (2003) meta-analysis?
      60 independent samples
    • How many participants were involved in Le and Agnew's (2003) study?
      11,582 participants
    • What time period did the studies in Le and Agnew's (2003) meta-analysis cover?
      From the late 1970s till the late 1990s
    • How many countries were represented in the data of Le and Agnew's (2003) study?
      Data from five countries were represented
    • What was the division of male and female participants in Le and Agnew's (2003) study?
      54% male and 46% female
    • What factors of the investment model were investigated in the studies included in Le and Agnew's (2003) meta-analysis?
      Factors such as commitment and satisfaction were investigated
    • What were the results regarding the correlation of satisfaction, comparison of alternatives, and investment with commitment in Le and Agnew's (2003) study?
      All factors correlated significantly with commitment
    • What was the sample size of the study conducted by Lefebrve et al (2012)?
      208 college students
    • What was the purpose of the online questionnaire completed by the participants in the study?
      To measure their use of Facebook during their recent breakup
    • What percentage of student participants chose not to use Facebook to talk about their breakup at all?
    • What percentage of the sample used Facebook to publicize their relationship status?
    • What relationship status changes did participants make on Facebook?

      From ‘in a relationship’ to either ‘it’s complicated’ or ‘single’
    • Approximately what percentage of participants used Facebook to check up on their ex-partner?
    • What strategy did ex-partners use on Facebook following a breakup?
      Displaying positive social interactions and happy memories
    • What was the intention behind ex-partners posting photographs of having fun with friends?
      To ensure these could be seen by their ex
    • What common actions were taken by participants on Facebook after a breakup?
      Blocking or unfriending their ex-partner
    • How do the researchers link online behaviors on Facebook to relationship dynamics?
      They believe these behaviors can be directly linked to Duck's phase model of relationships
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