crime and deviancy

Cards (13)

    • crime refers to illegal actions
    • deviency refers to behaviours outside of societys norms like eavsdropping
  • becker
    • interactionalist perspective
    • act only becomes deviant when others define it as such
    • the agents of social control eg.police and court have the power to make the label stick
    • the label applied becomes a master status
    • individual will begin to see themselves associated with the label producing a self fulfilling prophecy
    • this then leads to a deviant career as they may then join a deviant subculture
  • criticisms of becker:
    • doesnt explain why individual deviates in the first place
    • sees criminals as victims
    • overlooks influence of social structure
  • merton
    • functionalist perspective
    • everyone shared the same goals of achieving the american dream
    -he identified 5 possible ways in achieving this:
    1. conformity - individuals who work towards success conventionally
    2. innovation - lower class individuals who are unable to achieve success conventionally so resort to crime
    3. ritualism - middle class who are deviant because they abandon conventional success goals . they have little opportunity to advance and stay in low satus respectable jobs
    4. rebellion - individuals that reject success goals with different ones . they wish to create a new society
  • criticism of merton:
    • vandilism is not motivated by money
    • why some individuals faced with anomie break the rules and some conform
    • marxist say merton failed to explain power relations is society
  • marxist
    • capitalism society is based on materialism , consumerism and competition
    • in an unequal society not everyone can afford it and try get material goods through crime
  • marxist views on law enforcement:
    • agencies of social control (police) operate in the intrest of the bourgeosie
    • white-collar crime and corporate crime is not targeted
  • criticisms of marxist:
    • not every law supports the intrest of the dominant class
    • functionalists believe society is based on consensus rather than conflict
    • femenist argue marxist ignore issues of patriarchal society
  • femenists perspective:
    • double deviance thesis suggests the criminal justice system treats some women harshly as they have deviated from gender stereotypes
    • they broken the norms and the law
  • heidenson
    • femenist theory
    • drew on secondary data
    • studies female conformity using social control
    • emphasises social bonds between people that prevents them from commiting crimes as an agency of social control
    • women are controlled at home at work and in public
  • cohen
    • sub-cultural theory and delinquent subculture
    • studied working class boys in america
    • linked delinquency to schools
    • schools are built on middle class expectation and culture
    • working class boys expirience status fustration
  • criticisms of cohen
    • shows middle class bias
    • femenists question how ar his explanation applies to girls
  • carlen
    • femenist perspective
    • using unstructured interviews on 39 women
    • working class women are expected to make the class deal and gender deal
    • the class deal ofers them material rewards
    • the gender deal offers material and emotional rewards if they live with the male breadwinner
    • when the deals break down , crime becomes a possibility
    • there are 4 major factors that lead to theyre law breaking such as poverty , living in residential care , drug addiction and the search for excitement