religous settlment (early R)

Cards (37)

  • What was the legal status of the religious settlement after the death of Mary?
    The legal status did not change with the death of Mary.
  • What was the anticipated change in the legal status of religion after Mary's death?
    It was expected that the legal status would change.
  • What type of religion characterized the period following Mary's reign?
    Anglo-Catholicism, which included Catholic practices but was controlled by Elizabeth.
  • How did Anglo-Catholicism differ from traditional Catholicism during this period?
    Anglo-Catholicism maintained Catholic practices but was under Elizabeth's control, lacking a pope.
  • What was similar to the religious practices of 1549?
    The use of the English Bible and the absence of imagery in churches.
  • What radical changes occurred in 1552 regarding religious practices?

    There was an eradication of sacraments and a plain church design.
  • What significant event took place on January 25, 1559?
    The first Parliament was convened.
  • What did Elizabeth mean by saying she would not "make windows into souls"?
    She would not alter her personal beliefs but wanted public loyalty.
  • How did Elizabeth's stance on personal beliefs impact her reign?
    It allowed for a degree of religious tolerance while seeking public loyalty.
  • What was established by the Act of Supremacy in May 1559?

    Elizabeth was declared the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
  • How did the Act of Supremacy affect Catholics?
    Catholics could still believe in the church while acknowledging Elizabeth's authority.
  • What law was repealed to gain more support from Protestants?
    The Marian heresy law was repealed.
  • What did the Act of Supremacy not define?
    It did not define what hearsay was.
  • What legislation was restored by the Act of Supremacy?
    The Reformation legislation of Henry VIII was restored.
  • What was the Act of Uniformity and when was it enacted?
    The Act of Uniformity was enacted in May 1559.
  • How did most people react to mildly Protestant ideas on worship according to the Act of Uniformity?
    Most people accepted mildly Protestant ideas on worship but found abrupt changes to the look of a church more difficult.
  • What was the main focus for Protestants regarding the church according to the Act of Uniformity?
    For Protestants, it was the words, not the look of the church.
  • What were the Royal Injunctions and when were they issued?
    The Royal Injunctions were issued in 1559 and aimed to enforce religious reform and compliance with the practices of the Church of England.
  • What was the first injunction of the Royal Injunctions?
    The first injunction was the suppression of superstition, which was Protestant in nature.
  • What did the second injunction of the Royal Injunctions state about traditional Catholic practices?
    The second injunction described traditional Catholic practices such as pilgrimage and the use of candles as works devised by man's fantasies.
  • What was required by the third injunction of the Royal Injunctions regarding the Book of Common Prayer?
    The third injunction required the following of the Book of Common Prayer and that the Eucharist be administered at a simple communion table.
  • What was required of parish churches according to the Royal Injunctions?
    Parish churches were required to purchase an English Bible.
  • What did the Royal Injunctions enforce regarding church hierarchy?
    The Royal Injunctions enforced church hierarchy.
  • What were Elizabeth's personal idiosyncrasies regarding clerical marriage?
    Elizabeth disliked clerical marriage but allowed it.
  • What requirement was placed on the wives of priests according to Elizabeth's idiosyncrasies?
    The wives of priests had to have a certificate signed by two JPs.
  • What did Elizabeth enforce regarding the attire of priests?
    Elizabeth enforced that priests wear a surplice.
  • What religious symbols did Elizabeth allow in churches?
    Elizabeth allowed the crucifix and rood screens in churches.
  • What was the paradox regarding Elizabeth's supporters and her personal views on Protestantism?
    Her most enthusiastic supporters had Protestant zeal but pushing Protestantism was against Elizabeth's personal views.
  • Who became the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1559?
    Matthew Parker became the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1559.
  • What was the impact of the Act of Uniformity on the relationship between the crown and the church?
    The Act of Uniformity defined the relationship between the crown and the church.
  • What doctrinal position was established by the Act of Uniformity?
    The Act of Uniformity established the doctrinal position conclusively.
  • What did the Act of Uniformity signify for England's spiritual status?
    The Act of Uniformity marked the starting point for spiritual renewal and established England as God's elect nation.
  • What was "An Apology of the Church of England" and who wrote it?
    "An Apology of the Church of England" was written by John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, in 1562.
  • What was the main argument of "An Apology of the Church of England"?
    The main argument was that the English church was restoring the purity of early Christian doctrine while the Roman Catholic Church had deviated from the true faith.
  • What were the 39 Articles of Religion established in 1563?
    The 39 Articles of Religion affirmed that Scripture is the final authority in matters of faith and dismissed the doctrine of purgatory and indulgences.
  • What key doctrine was affirmed in the 39 Articles of Religion regarding salvation?

    The sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper were affirmed as necessary for salvation, but the idea of transubstantiation was rejected.
  • What change was made from the 42 Articles to the 39 Articles regarding predestination?
    The 39 Articles rejected predestination, which was Calvinist official doctrine but was half reformed in its structures.