2016 Primaries

Cards (15)

  • How many major contenders were there initially in the 2016 Republican primaries?
  • Who won the Republican Iowa Caucuses?
    1. Ted Cruz (27.6 %) 2. Donald Trump (24.3 %)
  • Who won the New Hampshire primary?
    Trump (decisive victory with 35.3 % of the vote)
  • How did Trump solidify his frontrunner status?
    Won 7 out of 11 states during Super Tuesday
  • Trump’s campaign was a mix of personal funding and smaller contributions
    By the end of 2015, he loaned around $ 13 million to his campaign and raised around $ 19 million
  • How much did Cruz raise?
    Over $ 92 million
  • How much did Rubio raise?
    $ 51 million
  • How many delegates did Trump gain ultimately?
  • Who were the main contenders of the Democratic primary?
    Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders
  • Who won the Democratic Iowa caucuses ?
    Narrow win for Clinton with 49.9 % followed by Sanders at 49.6 %
  • Who won the Democratic New Hampshire primary?
    Sanders with 60.4 % of the vote
  • Democratic results for Super Tuesday
    Clinton wins 7 out of 11 states
  • How much did Clinton raise in 2016?
    $ 250 million. Super PACs also raised hefty sums
  • How much did Sanders raise?
    Notable for its grassroots support, raised over $ 228 million, predominately from small donations
  • How many nominations did Clinton secure?