The Nervous System

Cards (20)

  • How is a nerve cell adapted for its function?
    • Function: carry electrical impulses
    • Adaptations: Long, thin, lots of branched connections to either end (dendrites) which allows them to pass messages to other nerve cells
  • What is needed for a nerve cell to communicate with another?
  • What is a synapse?
    • Connection between nerve cells
    • When an electrical signal reaches the end of a nerve, it releases chemicals that cross the gap to the next nerve cell.
    • These chemicals trigger a new signal, which continues through the next nerve, repeating the process.
  • What is the central nervous system and what does it do?
    • brain and spinal cord.
    • It controls and coordinates the body's responses by processing information from the senses and sending instructions to muscles and organs.
    • It acts as the body's control centre, regulating movement, thoughts, and vital functions like breathing and heartbeat
  • What is the nervous system?
    • The nervous system controls the body's responses.
    • It includes the central nervous system (CNS) (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) (nerves).
    • It detects changes, processes information, and sends signals to muscles and organs
  • What passes along nerve cells?
    Electrical impulses.
  • What is the gap between two neurones called?
  • What is released across a synapse?
  • What is the role of a receptor?
    To detect a stimulus.
  • What is the role of a sensory neurone?
    To transfer a signal from a receptor to the CNS (central nervous system)
  • What is the role of a motor neurone?
    To transfer a signal from the CNS to an effector
  • What is the role of a relay neurone?
    To transmit a signal from a sensory neurone to a motor neurone
  • What is a reflex?
    An automatic response to a stimulus
  • Pathway of a reflex arc:
    stimulus➔ receptor ➔ sensory neurone  ➔ relay neurone  ➔ motor neurone  ➔ effector  ➔ response
  • Examples of reflexes:
    • sneezing
    • blinking when you get dust in your eye
    • moving your hand away from a hot object
  • Why are reflexes important?
    Protect us from harm
  • The diagram below shows part of a reflex arc. Which structure is being indicated?
  • The diagram above shows part of a reflex arc. Which structure is being indicated?
    Sensory neurone
  • The diagram above shows part of a reflex arc. Which structure is being indicated?
    Relay neurone
  • The diagram above shows part of a reflex arc. Which structure is being indicated?