dna , evolution and genetic modification

Cards (10)

  • How are base pairs bonded together in a molecule?
    base pairs are bonded so that they are complimentary to each other and are held together by hydrogen bonds.
  • Why did the classification system become ?
    • the discovery of archaea through dna analysis shows that they are genetically different.
  • how do fossils show time periods?
    • fossils are the main source of evidence and have a smaller brain so therefore have a smaller skull
    • fossils are found in deeper layers of rocks around the grouns
  • what is the process of genetic engineering?
    1. the desired gene is obtained using restricting enzymes , leaving sticky.
    2. the same restricting enzymes used would be used to open the plasmid
    3. This gene will then be inserted to the plasmid using ligase joining the complimentary sticky ends together creating recombinant DNA
    4. The plasmid would be inserted into the the cell to produce desired characteistcs.
  • why can't we see fossils from further years
    they were soft bodied meaning the decayed very quickly
  • system order?
    • kingdom
    • phylum
    • class
    • order
    • family
    • genus
    • species
  • domain system?
    • eukaryota
    • bacteria
    • archea
  • ardi?
    • structure which shows that they climbed trees and had long arms and short legs whilst also having a small brain
  • lucy?
    arched feet that were more adapted to walking
    human length arms and legs
    larger brain
    walked upright more efficiently
  • Leaky's fossils?
    short arms and long legs more like a human
    larger brain size
    feet better adapted to walk upright