Cards (4)

  • genetic testingtests which identify faulty genes
    • tests which identify faulty genes
    • allows people choices whether they want a family or not
  • CVS - chorionic villus sampling
    • CVS can only be don 10-12 weeks into pregnancy
    • a piece of placenta is taken out and grown in a tissue cell or 7 days. then the DNA cells can b tested
  • Amniocentosis
    • carried out 15-16 weeks into pregnancy
    • some fluid is removed from around the fetus
    • the fluid contains fetus cells which can be used for geneti screening
    • risk of miscarriage and termination of healthy baby
  • PGD - preimpltantation gemetic diagnosis
    • alternative to pregnancy testing
    • the couple undergo normal IVF treatment
    • the developing embryos have one cell removed
    • the cell is careened for genetic disorders
    • very expensive