Cards (21)

  • what does Bowlby’s maternal deprivation theory state?
    continued emotional care is essential fir normal emotions and intellectual development
  • what may separation lead to?
    maternal deprivation
  • what does separation mean?
    the child not being physically in the presence of the primary attachment figure
  • what done’s deprivation mean?
    losing emotional care as a result of separation
  • how can deprivation be avoided?
    if alternative emotional care is offered
  • What is the critical period?
    2.5 years, if a child is separated for an extended time then psychological damage is inevitable
  • what is the sensitive period?
    5 years, attachment can still form but it would take longer
  • What is the internal working model?
    children from functional families tend to have functional families themselves
  • what are the consequences of maternal deprivation?
    lower IQ (intellectual)
    Affectionless psychopathy (emotional)
  • What is the effect on intellectual development?
    Lower IQ - may lead to mental retardation
  • What was Goldfinch’s study?
    found lower IQs in children from institutions compared to fostered children
  • what is the effect on emotional development?
    affectionless psychopathy - the inability to experience guilt or strong emotion towards others
    Prevents the person developing normal relationships and is associated with criminality
  • 44 thieves procedure
    44 delinquent teenagers, accused of stealing
    interviewed for signs of affection less psychopathy (lack of affection, guilt and empathy)
    families interviewed to establish any prolonged separations from mothers
  • 44 thieves findings
    14 of 44 described as affectionless psychopaths
    12 off these had experienced prolonged separation from mother in first 2 years
    only 5 of remaining 30 had experienced prolonged separation
  • 44 thieves conclusions
    Prolonged early separation/deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy
  • Limitation
    sources of evidence are flawed
    44 thieves - biased as Bowlby assessed deprivation and psychopathy, knowing what he hoped to find (1944)
    Goldfarb study of wartime orphans - used Participants who were traumatised, lacked good aftercare. Confounding Variable (1943)
    Bowlby had no solid evidence to base theory on
  • strength
    Counterpoints to flawed evidence -
    2003 Levy et al, separating baby rats for one day had permanent effect on social development
  • limitation
    Bowlby confused deprivation and privation
    Rutter made distinction, privation is much more serious. the children Bowbly studied and others he based ideas on may have been prived
  • what is privation?
    failure to form an attachment
  • limitation
    critical period is more of a sensitive period
    Koluchova - case study of twin boys isolated from 18 months |(locked in cupboard) later were looked after by two loving adults. Recovered fully
    shows severe deprivation can have positive outcomes
  • limitation
    conflicting evidence
    Replications of 44 thieves have failed to reproduce his findings on psychopathy however more recent research found links between poor maternal care and adult psychopathy. link is unclear