It provides a template that will affect the nature of future relationships. Due to internal working model created by the first attachment
what effect does good attachment have?
good relationship expectations. Assumes that is how all relationships are meant to be so seekfunctional relationships out
what effect does bad attachment have?
bad relationship expectations, may struggle to form relationships or do not behaveappropriately in them
what is the continuity hypothesis?
Based on the internal working model. Idea that there is consistency between early emotionalexperiences and later relationships. It sees children’s attachment types being reflected in later relationships
what did Kerns state?
securely attached babies tend to go on to form the bestquality childhood friendships whereas insecurely attached have friendship difficulties
Who is less likely to be involved in bullying?
securely attached children (Myron-Wilson and Smith) whereas insecure avoidant children are more likely to be victims and insecure resistant are most likely to be the bully
What do people base their parenting style on?
their own internal working model, Bailey et al found the majority of mothers had the same attachment classification to their babies as they had to their own mother
Who analysed the Love Quiz?
Hazan and Shaver
What was the Love Quiz procedure?
analysed 620 replies to “love quiz” in newspaper. Assessed three different aspects of relationships
what 3 components did the Love Quiz asses?
attachment types
current and most importantrelationship
general love experiences
what were the findings of the Love Quiz?
attachmenttype was reflected in their romantic relationships
what were the results of the love quiz?
securely attached most likely to have good and longer lasting romantic relationships
avoidant tended to be jealous and fear intimacy
Strength - strong research support
Many studies show link between infantattachment type and laterdevelopment. A study concluded infant attachment influenceddevelopment in many ways. Disorganised attachment was most predictive ( eg later mental disorders)
COUNTERPOINT - not allevidencesupports link, some research found no evidence of continuity of attachment type. Means not clear or complete
Limitation - validity issues with retrospective studies
Most asses attachment type in adulthood , not infancy, using questionnaires or interviews, rely on honest answers. Assume attachment type has notchanged
limitation - confounding variables
some studies make assessments of infant attachment and follow up later however these may be affected by confoundingvariables. Eg parenting style and personality could effect. we can never be sure if it is infant attachment and not another factor