Cards (12)

  • What is a water surplus?
    A water surlpus is an area that has more water than is needed by its population
  • What areas in the UK have a water surplus?
    The north and west of the UK because they receive more rainfall
  • What areas of the UK are in water shortage?
    The south and east- water demand can exceed the supply
  • The demand for water has increased by 70% since 1985
  • Why has the demand for water in the UK increased?
    -The population has increased
    -Personal habits have changed, people shower more
    -People are wealthier and have more water intensive machines
    -Farms use more water as irriigation systems improve and consumers demand more out of season foods
    -Industrial uses of water has increased-using water to produce electricity
  • How does the UK combat water supply isues?
    By having serveral water transfer schemes to move water from areas of surplus to areas of demand
  • What are the 4 main sources of water pollution in the UK?
    -Agricultrual runoff water- this picks up chemicals and pesticides which end up in our lakes and rivers
    -Historical wastes-Water running through old mines and industrial sites which can pick up hazardous heavy metals
    -Runoff from roads- salt used to grit the road and oils from cars can end up in lakes and rivers
    -Sewage waste
  • How does poor water quality effect the UK?
    -It can poison our water supply which is essential to human life
    -Eutrophication can occur- this is where fertilisers washed into our rivers and lakes encourage algae to grow which straves other life of oxygen
    -Sewage contain bacteria and can cause disease
    -Heavy metals and toxin can poison wildlife-this can end up in humans in a process called bioaccumulation
    -insects and animals can be killed, affecting our food chains
  • How does the UK Government aim to combat water pollution?
    -Education(running campaigns and show them how to save water and what not to dispose of into tolites)
    -Laws & Legislations- Make sure farms and industries dont pollute our water.
  • What are tthe 2 physical factors that affect water supply?
    -Climate- most places rely on rainfall but climate change is causing places to get drier and increasing risks of droughts
    -Geolgy- water is harder to get when rain falls on permeable rocks like sandstone and forms underground water stores(aquifers)
  • Give 4 ways to increase water supply
    -Building dams & Reservoirs- during times of water surplus the damns can be filled and released to areas of water deficit
    -Water diversion
    -Water tranfer
    -Desalination- removing salt from sea water so it can be used.
  • Give 6 ways we can conserve water
    -Fixing leaks-20% of water in the UK is lost to leaks
    -Fitting dual-flush toilets which can save up to 3.5 litres every flush
    -Buying efficient water using machines like dishwashers
    -Irrigating farmland
    -Using water meters