types of experiment

    Cards (13)

    • types of experiment
      laboratory, field, natural and quasi
    • lab experiment
      happens in a controlled environment
    • strengths of a lab experiment
      high control of extraneous variables, establishing cause and effect relationships, giving it high internal validity
      replication is more possible due to higher level of control
    • limitations of a lab experiment
      lacks generalisability as a controlled environment may be artificial so people may behave differently causing low external validity
      demand characteristics are higher
      low mundane realism - doesnt apply to real life
    • field experiments
      occurs in a more natural everyday setting where people are unaware that they are in the study
    • strengths of a field experiment
      high external validity - natural environment leads to natural behaviour
    • limitations of a field experiment
      lack of control over extraneous variables so it is harder to establish cause and effect relationships
      hard to replicate
      ethical issues as people cannot give their consent to participate in the study
    • natural experiment
      similar to field but researcher cannot control the iv - for either ethical or practical issues
    • strengths of a natural experiment
      provides opportunities for research
      high external validity
    • limitations of a natural experiment
      difficult to replicate
      hard to see if the iv has caused the effect on the dv as participants are not randomly assigned to experimental conditions
    • quasi experiment
      having an iv based on an existing difference between people e.g. age, gender - iv is not manipulated
    • strengths of a quasi experiment
      carried out in controlled conditions so shares same strengths as a lab experiment
    • limitations of a quasi experiment
      cannot randomly allocate people to experimental conditions therefore extraneous variables may affect outcome