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  • Zionist school of thought: Jewish military actions after November 1947 were defensive, particularly over Jews in Jerusalem (2500) who were short on supply and vulnerable (surrounded by Arabs) - Arabs chose to leave expecting to return one day with conquering Arab armies; however it is recognised there was mutual intensifying of violence (no blame to either there)
  • Revisionist school of thought: Jewish Agency/Haganar Vs Terrorist organisations; there was no official plan to force them to leave it was terrorists not the government - however maybe the government didn't do enough to try stop terrorists, also new documents show deliberate expulsion of Arabs so Jews more to blame
  • Palestine
    • Brit promise Palestine as Jew homeland (not state)
    • But Arabs their want independence
    • Angry at Jewish immigration
    • Bought land (from absentee landowners) for new Jewish farms
    • Evicted Arabs
    • Only employ Jews
    • Arabs hoped if independent
    • Majority dominate J minority
    • But late '20s, pop: 1 mil A and 160,000 J
    • '33+: more Jews fled due to Nazism ('39: 450,000 J in pop)
    • Brit government
    • Realised A afraid to lose country
    • Were to restrict immigration
    • Caused J uproar in Europe, America and Palestine
    • Unrestricted immigration increase Arab violence, but controlled seen inhumane
  • Arab-Jewish Riots
    • Tel Aviv (main Jew settlement) riots
    • Between rival Jew groups in '21
    • Spread to Jaffa (main immigration port)
    • Led to Arab attacks on Jews
    • 2 days, 200 Jews and 120 Arabs dead/wounded
    • Brit stopped immigration, claimed only part of Palestine was for national home
    • 23–29 August '29, Jerusalem
    • Arab crowds attacked Jews
    • Spread over Palestine
    • 4 days, 133 Jews dead
    • Brit police killed 116 Arabs trying to stop anti-jew violence