Zionist school of thought: Jewish military actions after November1947 were defensive, particularly over Jews in Jerusalem (2500) who were short on supply and vulnerable (surrounded by Arabs) - Arabs chose to leave expecting to return one day with conquering Arab armies; however it is recognised there was mutual intensifying of violence (no blame to either there)
Revisionist school of thought: Jewish Agency/Haganar Vs Terrorist organisations; there was no official plan to force them to leave it was terrorists not the government - however maybe the government didn't do enough to try stop terrorists, also new documents show deliberate expulsion of Arabs so Jews more to blame
Brit promise Palestine as Jew homeland (not state)
But Arabs their want independence
Angry at Jewish immigration
Bought land (from absentee landowners) for new Jewish farms
Evicted Arabs
Only employ Jews
Arabs hoped if independent
Majority dominate J minority
But late '20s, pop: 1 mil A and 160,000 J
'33+: more Jews fled due to Nazism ('39: 450,000 J in pop)
Brit government
Realised A afraid to lose country
Were to restrict immigration
Caused J uproar in Europe, America and Palestine
Unrestricted immigration increase Arab violence, but controlled seen inhumane
Arab-Jewish Riots
Tel Aviv (main Jew settlement) riots
Between rival Jew groups in '21
Spread to Jaffa (main immigration port)
Led to Arab attacks on Jews
2 days, 200 Jews and 120 Arabs dead/wounded
Brit stopped immigration, claimed only part of Palestine was for national home
23–29 August '29, Jerusalem
Arab crowds attacked Jews
Spread over Palestine
4 days, 133 Jews dead
Brit police killed 116 Arabs trying to stop anti-jew violence