working memory model

    Subdecks (1)

    Cards (26)

    • who made the working memory model?
      Baddeley and Hitch (1974)
    • draw the model
    • what is working memory?
      refers to the bit of information that you use whilst working on a complex task requiring you to store information as you go along
    • why was the working memory model developed?
      the MSM was too simple and a passive store, STM needed to be subdivided
    • what do the working memory model suggest about STM?
      it is a dynamic processor of different types of information
    • what does the central executive do?
      controls the slave systems, decides what we pay attention to
    • what are the slave systems?
      phonological loop and visuo-spatial sketch pad
    • capacity of central executive?
    • where does data that enters the central executive come from?
      LTM and the senses
    • what does the episodic buffer do?
      the backup store for the central executive, integrates STM and LTM info, stores verbal and visual info, maintains a sense of time sequencing (records in episodes), links STM to LTM
    • when was the episodic buffer added to the WMM?
    • duration of episodic buffer?
      temporary holding place before information is integrated
    • how much info does the episodic buffer hold?
      4 chunks
    • what does the phonological loop do?
      processes sound based info
    • 2 sub components of the phonological loop?
      articulatory control process (inner voice) and phonological store (inner ear)
    • what does the articulatory control process do?
      prepare speech, think in words, rehearse info verbally
    • what does the phonological store do?
      stores sounds/ words we hear
    • how is information received in the phonological loop?
      from the ears and acoustic info from the LTM
    • what does the visuo-spatial sketch pad do?
      integrates visual and spatial information
    • what does the visuo-spatial sketch pad allow us to do?
      picture things in your mind, have spatial information (distance)
    • how is information received in the visuo-spatial sketch pad?
      from eyes and visual info in LTM