Becoming queen

Cards (21)

  • When was Elizabeth born?
    7 September 1533
  • When was Anne Boleyn executed?
    19 May 1536
  • When did Edward's reign begin?
    28 January 1547
  • With whom did Elizabeth live from 1547 to 1548?
    Catherine Parr
  • What potentially caused issues between Elizabeth and Thomas Seymour?
    Elizabeth's removal from the household
  • When was Elizabeth imprisoned in the Tower of London?
    17 March 1554
  • When did Mary become ill?
    17 November 1558
  • When did Elizabeth become queen?
    17 November 1558
  • How old was Elizabeth when she became queen?
    25 years old
  • What were some of Elizabeth's strengths?
    Good education, political understanding, and good judge of character
  • How did Count Feria describe Elizabeth compared to Mary?
    Elizabeth was more feared than Mary and gave orders as absolutely as her father did
  • What economic problems did Elizabeth face during her reign?
    • £300,000 in debt
    • Bad harvest in 1556
    • War expenditure
    • Limited revenue and trade
  • What marriage-related issues did Elizabeth encounter?
    • Endless debate over marriage
    • Consideration of Mary Queen of Scots as a potential match
  • What religious divisions existed during Elizabeth's reign?
    • Divided religious factions
    • English Catholics intent on maintaining their faith
    • Protestants wanting further reforms
  • What legitimacy issues did Elizabeth face?
    She faced questions regarding her illegitimacy
  • What political problems did Elizabeth encounter?
    She struggled with trust issues and lack of administrative and political experience
  • What foreign policy challenges did Elizabeth face?
    • Ongoing war with France
    • Uncertain relations with Spain and Scotland
  • What was the composition of Elizabeth's Privy Council at the beginning of her reign?
    19 members including Marquess of Winchester, Earl of Arundel, Lord Howard of Effingham, William Cecil, Nicholas Bacon, and Robert Dudley
  • Who announced Elizabeth's queenship to Parliament?
    Nicholas Heath, Archbishop of York and Chancellor
  • What was significant about Nicholas Heath's announcement regarding Elizabeth?
    It indicated political elite assent with no Catholic opposition
  • Who was Count Feria?
    The Spanish ambassador