
Cards (7)

  • Best Medium
    • Soil is the cheapest and most abundant medium where minneral nutrients, water and oxygen can be supplied to a plant
  • Requirements of plants
    • Plants require a supply of Nitrogen, phosporous, potasium and a range of elements to construct protein and carry out life processes
  • Organic Conent - Decomposers that produce humus
    Earthworms: Break down vegetation, mix the soil aerate the soil and spread organic matter through the Soil
    Fungi: Feed directly on dead matter, digest hard woody Items and aid plants with taking nutrients through their roots
    Bacteria: Work on Organic matter, convert waste products to simple chemicals, some convert nitrogen to nitrates.
  • High levels of Organic matter
    • Increase water holding capacity
    • Increase air spaces in soil
    • Increases the number of decomposers in the soil
    • prevents loss of mineral nutrients
  • Soil pH
    • Depends on parent rock and pH of water that flows into the area
    • Affects the uptake of nutrients by plant roots
    • Affects the availability of nutrients
  • Drainage
    capacity of the soil to drain water must be medium
  • Ease of Cultivation
    • How easily the soil can be plowed