How economies are classified. Real world (e.g.s), economic theory behind them,
Free good
we are not willing to pay for ie. we are not willing to give something up in return for it - it has no Opportunity Cost in production.
Economic good
we are willing to pay for, i.e. we are willing to give something up to have it - economic goods involve an Opportunity cost in production
What are most goods- free or economic
Are most free goods natural or physically made
In the UK, who makes decisions?
Government and private sector
What are the tree types of economies
planned economy aka command economy- all economic decisions made by government
Mixed economy - 40-60% of production decisions made by Government (split between public and private)
Free Market Economy - less than 40% of production by Government - dominated by the private sector (supply and demand)
What are all world economies?
All world economies are mixed but to varying degrees
command economy examples
Government regulates prices, wages
Free economy Examples
What services or goods to provide and sell
Market/Mixed economy
Consumer choices and government control
Who is J M Keynes
19th Century economist said society needs state regulation of the economy - no more self adjustments. For the prosperity of the economy: spend as much money as possible, stimulate aggregate demand growth
Traditional economic theory - Adam Smith
Market would figure itself out and solve its own issues without intervention
F.A. Hayek - what economic theory did he believe in?