
Subdecks (5)

Cards (104)

  • Microeconimcs
    The study of individual & market decisions and activity.
  • Scarcity
    A situation arises when people have unlimited wants in the face of limited resources
  • Opportunity cost
    In decision making, the value of the next-best alternative forgone
  • Marginal analysis
    An approach to economic decision making based on considering the additional (marginal) benefits and costs of a change in behaviour.
  • Name three economic agents
  • What economic decisions do households make?
    Consumption, saving, investment.
  • What economic decisions do firms make?
    Production, pricing, investment, financing.
  • What economic decisions does the government make?
    Fiscal policy, monetary policy, regulation.
  • What does BEP stand for
    Basic economic problem
  • Infinite
  • Finite
  • What do economists assume about human wants ?
    Economists assume that human wants are infinite
  • Factors of production/resources
    -Land (natural)
    -Enterprise (risk taking)
    -Capital (man-made)
    -Labour (man-made)
  • What motivates entrepreneur?
  • Economic scarcity
    A situation that arises when people have unlimited wants in the face of limited resources (supply is limited in the relation to demand)
  • Infinite human wants drives progress economically but it could also cause greed and depletion of resources
  • Renewable resource - solar
    Non-renewable- crude oil, iron ore
  • Economic scarcity leads to economic choices
  • Decision Makers use cost benefit analysis
  • Traditional economists assumes that all economic decision makers are rational, maximisers.
  • Another word for an economist decision maker
    An agent
  • PPF model
    A model for economic choice
  • Assumptions of models
    Limited factors of
    production (resources)✅good assumption
    ▪ All resources are perfect
    substitutes for each other❌limiting assumption- for simplicity
    ▪ Only 2 choices – Good A
    or Good B❗️wide application
  • What does the frontier show
    The maximum output that we could produce - with limited resources
  • Improving PPF
    • relax Ceteris paribus- assume that factors are not perfect substitutes - resulting in a curved PPF which is concave to the origin
  • All along the PPF - we see productive efficiency