Argues to understand suicide we must discover it's meanings for the deceased
rejects use of official suicide stats (social construct only telling us about the labels applied by the coroners)
to discover the deceased meanings we must use qualitative methods e.g. analysis of suicide notes
Atkinson: coroners common sense knowledge
Focuses on how coroners use taken for granted assumptions to construct social reality:
certain aspects of death (circumstances of the death, life histories) are considered typical of suicides > labels certain deaths as suicide > swells official stats > reinforces coroners original assumption creating SFP
Paranoia and self-fulfilling prophecy
Interactionists = interested on how a person is labelled mentally ill and the effects of this label
Lemert = socially awkward individuals maybe labelled and excluded from groups
Individuals negative response gives group a reason to fear for their mental health > medical label of paranoia
Label ‘master patient’ becomes their master status
Goffman shows possible effects of being admitted to ‘total institution’ like psychiatric hospial
Patients undergo ‘mortification of the self’ > old identity ‘killed off’ and replaced with new; ‘inmate’ > achieved by ‘degradation rituals’ e.g. confiscation of personal effects
Goffman shows the process is not deterministic, some patients manage to resist being institutionalism