multi-hazard case study : Haiti

Cards (39)

  • Haiti is a caribbean island , located on island of Hispaniola
  • Haiti has a population of 10.6 million
  • situation on a seismically active zone, intersected by two fault lines on a conservative margin, lies in active hurricane region
  • 60% of Haiti is mountainous , landslides and mudslides common due to deforestation
  • least developed country in the western hemisphere , GDP of $1,300
  • people who live there vulnerable to hazards as they live in poor quality housing, high levels of poverty (77% of population live on less than $2 a day)
  • Haiti suffers from political instability that increases vulnerability to disasters
  • four types of vulnerability:
    • physical
    • social
    • economic
    • environmental
  • physical vulnerability - population density levels , remoteness , quality of housing
  • social vulnerability - the inability of people, organizations, and societies to cope with impacts to hazards (governance, social equity)
  • economic vulnerability - economic status of indivduals, communities, and nations. poor are more vulnerable to disaster as they lack resources to protect themselves from disasters
  • environmental vulnerability - refers to natural resource depletion (deforestation) and resource degradation (soil degradation)
  • situated in predominant atlantic hurricane path , hit by 4 or 5 storms between June and November each year.
  • haiti has suffered from 9 serious storms over the past 20 years, affected 3.5 million people and killing over 7,000
  • 2008 - hit by Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricanes Gustav , Hannah and Ike over 3 weeks
  • result of hurricane season:
    • 793 deaths
    • 25,000 homes destroyed
    • economic damage = $1 billion (5% of Haiti's GDP)
    • floods wiped out 70% of its crops
    • soil erosion due to heavy rainfall after deforestation
  • haiti located on plate margin where North American Plate slides past Caribbean plate (destructive plates)
  • 2010 - magnitude 7 earthquake , 12th Jan , epicenter 16km west of the capital of Port-Au-Prince
  • most of the damage in earthquake occurred in capital due to shallow focus (13km)
  • impacts of earthquake:
    • 222,570 killed
    • 300,000 injured
    • deaths due to falling rubble
    • 30,000 commercial buildings collapsed , so did hospitals , schools , thousands of homes
  • 2 million displaced
  • ten months after earthquake , cholera spread along Artibonte River , 9000 died. Infected 21,000 in 2010
  • chloera spread by UN troops dispatched to country to assist in disaster relief efforts, spread quickly through unsanitary refugee camps
  • drought in 2014 affected 1 million people
  • responses to 2010 earthquake by NDRMS:
    • hazard and disaster vulnerability map created (help disaster planning and prep activities)
    • development of Emergency operation center
    • expanding number of weather monitoring stations across island
  • NDRMS = national disaster risk management system
  • following 2010 earthquake , NDRMS emergency operations centre , Port Au Prince main fires station and many gov buildings all badly damaged and destroyed.
  • difficulties in importing aid after 2010 earthquake:
    • collapse of control tower at airport
    • oxfam's local supply warehouse destroyed (vital emergency aid slow to arrive)
  • responses to earthquake:
    • mobile data used to pinpoint where aid was needed
    • frontline SMS pulled together team of 1,000 creole-speaking volunteers to log and geo-tag 80,000 text messages - provided crisis mapping , actionable information for aid organisations
  • UK donated £107 million after earthquake
  • EU gave £250 million in aid after quake
  • World Bank waived countries debt repayment for 5 years
  • Haiti's neighbour , Dominican Republic sent teams to deliver food , medicine , asses damage. Eased visa requirements to allow injured into Dominican hospitals , accepted relief shipments that could be transported by land to Haiti
  • UN supported recycling of 20% of removed earthquake debris , provided jobs to more than 30,000 people , provided training for more than 270,000 in development + recovery related fields
  • future for Haiti:
    • warmer ocean temperatures caused by climate change may fuel stronger hurricanes.
    • increase in hazard magnitude could increase hazard risk
    • concern due to low resilience , lack of savings and financial re-building capacity , poor organisation and high vulnerability
    • conditions in Haiti unlikely to improve without political stability , and investment in infrastructure , buildings
  • example of mitigation to continue occupation
    US Geological Survey invested in 7 seismic station across the island
    • hired one seismologist
    • Raspberry Shakes = local scale mitigation , seismometers in living room
    • YET won't pinpoint when and where earthquake will occur
  • example of adaptation and resilience to continue occupation 

    funding from USAID 'Build Change' Charity , provided financial and technological assistance to train people to build safer homes. Helped 7,000 people
    • worked with 250 building materials to improve quality of concrete blocks
    • supports local businesses + strengthens supply chain
    • only helps minority of population (16million)
  • example of management to continue occupation

    Disaster Emergency Committee raised £107 million - yet money hasn't gone to helping people
    • Red Cross set out to provide homes for 130,000 people yet has only built 6
    • 2010 Earthquake - MSF provided 28,600 tents , set up makeshift hospitals
    • NGOS provide basic services , gov have no incentive to help out
  • example of strategies to reduce the impact of flooding and droughts
    2016 drought - destroyed 70% of stable crops - 68% of population = substance farmers
    • deforestation for fuelwood is increasing rate of soil erosion = increases flood risk. May 2014 - 17 days of rainfall , 100,000 homes flooded
    • July 2016 - WFP offered cash to 160,000 people to help with soil conversation project - planted trees on steep slopes and built structures to prevent erosion , planted drought resistance crops