define politics as the process by which political power is acquired and exercised.
Politics is the pursuit of political power and competition for political power.
Politics involves the pursuit, acquisition, and exercise of political power.
ability to shape and control the political behavior of others.
ability of one political actor to effect a desired change in the behavior of other political actors.
capacity to influence, condition, mold, and control human behavior for the accomplishment of political objectives.
The ultimate purpose of acquiring political power is to use it to shape and controlpublicpolicy or some aspect of publicpolicy.
PoliticalPower - acquired and exercised in order to significantly affect the government's authoritative decisions and actions on public policy.
PoliticalPower - the ability to influence, condition, shape, and control the content and direction of public policy.
Politicalpower - influence or control over or participation in the making and implementation of official decisions of government offices and institutions.
Two Major Forms of Political Power:
governmental power, the formal-legal authority of the public officeholders and institutions comprising the government to make and carry out decisions on public policy
Political Authority
legally established power of the government to make rules and issue commands and to compel obedience, making use of physical force and coercion when necessary.
Political authority
the legally established power to govern
Political Influence
the ability of private individuals and groups to impact on the government's making and implementation of official policy decisions.
Political Influence - ability of private individuals and groups to influence, condition, shape, and control the authoritative decisions of those who posses political authority,
The individual/group with political influence do not hold relevant government offices and do not possess political authority.
The interests and demands of private individuals/groups have to be taken into account by the government when making decisions on public policy due to political influence.
Political influence
political power exercised by those who do not possess political authority, but have the the ability to influence the decisions of those who possess political authority
Power - vital element in the study of political science
Political Science - studies how power is separated, obtained, retained, and expressed.
Political analysis
concerned with the study of political power in all forms in human or social relation
Power can be seen in all institutions and associations of society.
Power - the capacity to affect others behavior by the use or threat of the use of positive or negative sanctions.
Charles Merriam
first philosopher to make a detailed intellectual study of political power.
Charles Merriam
considered power as the basic concept of politics
Charles Merriam
his solution to the problem of political power was its widest possible distribution
Power is coercive and its ultimate sanction is force.
The most effective form of political power is the legitimised authority of the political system which make ad implement decisions.
states that it is human nature to desire to have power.
Harold Lasswell
Political process - shaping, sharing, and exercise of power or influence.
Harold Lasswell
defines political power as participation in the making of decisions with severe sanction.
Harold Lasswell
the exercise of power does not rest generally on violence, force or coercion. it may equally rest on faiths, loyalties, habits, or interests.
special kind of power
When politicalpower gets legitimacy, it becomes authority.
Authority - institutionalized power
Authority - rights to rule
legal power to act
can be seen not only in political system, but also in other social systems
recognised right to exercise power irrespective of the sanctions the power holder is able to apply.