EDUQAS GCSE RE - 1.2 Good and Evil Revision Key Questions

Cards (36)

  • Why does the problem of evil present a problem for belief in God?
    Catholics believe in one God, who is:They believe God is omnipotent (all-powerful). They believe that God is all-loving. They believe God has complete knowledge of past, present and future.God created a good worldBut if this is true, why does the world contain so much evil and suffering?
  • How does the idea of free will contribute to a Catholic response to the problem of evil?
    FREE WILLFree will is a gift from God.Catholics believe that God created humans with the ability to choose between good and evil.When humans choose the wrong thing it causes suffering. Humans are to blame not God. They have abused their gift. Bad choices cause suffering.Humans are not programmed robots.What about suffering not caused by humans (i.e. natural as opposed to moral evil)?
  • How does the idea of original sin contribute to a Catholic response to the problem of evil?
    ORIGINAL SINThe story of Genesis tells how the world was created.Adam and Eve decided to eat the forbidden fruit going against God's wishes. This is the first (original) sin, sometimes known as the Fall.As a result of this pain and suffering and natural suffering were introduced into a perfect world.Since that time all humans have original sin, the tendency to go against God.Original sin is a symbol that we all share some responsibility for the evil and suffering in the world.
  • How did St Augustine respond to the problem of evil?
    In the Enchiridion, St Augustine gives three answers to the question of suffering:1. The existence of evil helps people to appreciate the good in the world. For example, being unwell helps us to appreciate when we are healthy.2. St Augustine says that Evil is just the absence of good things. This is called privation. God does not cause or permit evil because evil isn't even a thing. 3. St Augustine says God allows suffering because he is omnipotent and good. He allows evil because in his goodness and power he is always able to bring a greater good out of suffering. Suffering can be beneficial.
  • What is the inconsistent triad?
    For some the problem of Evil is so big they reject God altogether. Epicurus put forward the inconsistent triad. A 'triad' is a group of three things. The following group is 'inconsistent' because it seems that not all of them can be true at the same time:Evil Exists / God is omnipotent / God is omnibenevolent
  • What are the similarities and differences between moral and natural evil?
    Moral - This is suffering which is a result of human action. Examples are theft, burglary, terrorism, assault, rape, murder.Natural - This is suffering which is not to do with humans but is to do with the way the world is. Examples are floods, volcanoes, cancer, disease, earthquakes.
  • How does Mackie reject Christian explanations of the presence of evil in the world?
    Evil is necessary as an opposite of goodMackie rejected this. Even if it is true that we need some evil and suffering to help us to appreciate the good, we only need a little bit. He argues that there is far more suffering than is needed to make a good contrast to the good in the world and some of the suffering is truly horrible, far more and far worse than is really needed.Evil helps us to become better peopleAnother traditional Christian argument that Mackie rejects is the idea that suffering helps us to become better people. First, Mackie doesn't understand why God needs to make us better through experiencing suffering. Why can God not just make us perfect to start with? Also, often suffering makes people worse, rather than making them better. Evil is a consequence of free-willBoth St Augustine and John Hick rely on the existence of free-will to explain why God allows evil to exist. Mackie rejects this as a reason because he does not see why God could not make free human beings who always choose good instead of evil. He also feels that evil and suffering is far too high a price to pay for having free will.
  • How does John Hick develop the ideas of Irenaeus in response to evil?
    John Hick developed the ideas of St. Irenaeus. According to Hick and Irenaeus humans were made in the image of God, but not perfect. They need to grow to become spiritually perfect. Suffering and evil is the best way for humans to develop. Through free choices they can learn to make the correct choices. The process of soul making is a response to evil in the world. This explains why God allows natural evil. This type of evil allows humans to grow and become better people.
  • How do Jewish people respond to the problem of evil?
    Jews do not believe that people are born evil. They do not share the Christian concept of Original Sin. Jews believe they are born free with the inclination to do good or to do evil. 'The Torah teaches that God has given human beings choices and that it is important to struggle against the inclination to do evil actions by obeying to God. Jews believe it is not possible to hide evil actions from God and each year during the festivals of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur times for people to atone (make up for or make good) for the times when they have followed their inclination to do evil rather than given obedience to God is given. For Jews evil and suffering are seen as a consequence of human beings' wrong choices.
  • Why do Catholics link God's goodness and the goodness of the world?
    Catholics say that God is good and creation is good. But what does this mean? God is supposed to be beyond human comprehension. The best way to explain this is using an analogy. We call a baker good if she bakes good bread. We can call God good because the things he made are good light, sea, earth, sky, animals, plants and human beings. God finishes by looking on all that has been and he 'saw that it was good'. This is what Catholics mean when they say that the world reflects God's goodness - they mean, they can tell that God is good, because the world God created is good. Just like you can tell if a chef is good, if the food she created is good.
  • What do Jews believe about God's goodness?
    For Jews, God is the source of all life and referred to throughout the Torah as the only creator. The goodness of God is shown by the creation of the world and the giving of the Torah. Jews believe that God is the only God and is all powerful. There is no belief in an opposite God. God cares about the world.
  • How does Jesus suffering help Catholics to understand the presence of evil in the world?
    God understands human suffering because God the Son in Jesus died a horrible death. The death and suffering of Jesus is at the heart of the Gospel. Christians use Isaiah 53 to understand Jesus' suffering. It describes how the acceptance of suffering by the 'suffering servant' somehow brought about salvation. When Christians suffer it is a way to bring them closer to an understanding of Jesus and a way to bring about a greater good. So, although suffering is horrible it can bring about good things. This shapes how Catholics respond to suffering. Catholics share their suffering with God in prayer. During Mass Catholics pray for the sick, dying and those who are suffering, they ask God to help those in need. Catholics also help those who are suffering by giving to charity. Some Christians feel it is their vocation to be doctors or nurses and fight against suffering.
  • How does the idea of mystery influence Christian responses to the problem of evil?
    Ultimately, for all Christians suffering is a mystery and God uses suffering to bring about good. In the Book of Job, God tells the suffering Job that he is just not capable of understanding the reasons why God chooses to do, or not do, certain things. Christians must trust that God understands the reasons for suffering.
  • How do Jews respond to the problem of evil in the world?
    For Jews, suffering comes from two different sources - human made and natural. Often suffering has arisen because God has given free will to people to do good or to do evil. Jews see evil and suffering as a consequence of human beings' wrong choices. Jews do not believe in original sin.For Jews, God is the source of all life and referred to throughout the Torah as the sole creator. He is the judge and he is merciful. He will protect and care for all that he has created. The goodness of God is shown by the creation of the world and the giving of the Torah.Jews have several solutions to the problem of suffering and evil. The biblical book of Job suggests that it is fruitless for humans to try and figure out why God causes people to suffer. Other traditional solutions include the idea that suffering isn't really bad. Jews interpret the suffering servant in prophet Isaiah, not about Jesus, but about the Jewish people in general which suggests that they suffer in order to redeem the wicked of humanity.
  • What do Catholic Christians believe about the Trinity?

    Christians believe the following things about God:There is only one GodGod exists as three persons: Father, Son and Holy SpiritEach of these three persons is distinct from the other twoEach of these three persons is fully GodBut there are not three GodsCatholics believe in one single God, who made himself known to the world as three separate persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. This is known as the doctrine of the Trinity, and is a fundamental belief for all Catholics. The way the Trinity works is considered to be a mystery, but it does help in understanding some of the qualities of God.
  • How is the idea of trinity presented in the Nicene Creed?
    The doctrine of the Trinity is set out in the Nicene Creed. Catholics believe that each person of the Trinity performs a special function: ● God the Father created heaven and earth● God the Son, Jesus, is the saviour of the world● God the Holy Spirit is an invisible spiritual power which guides, helps and inspires human beings. The Nicene creed is also recited by Catholics during prayer and worship, and at baptisms.This is a way of reminding worshippers of the main points of Christianity.The worshippers are declaring publicly that this is what they truly believe.The creed is said together by everyone - a sign that they share these beliefs.It binds them together as a group who share common beliefs.
  • Why is the idea of trinity important to Catholics?
    The concept of the Trinity is very important to Catholics. Without a doctrine of the Trinity, it would not be possible for Christians to believe that Jesus is God. The belief that Jesus is God is probably the most important Christian belief.The importance of the Trinity is demonstrated by its central role within religious practice. For example; The simplest of Catholic prayers, the sign of the cross, is trinitarian: 'In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'. Many prayers are said to or in the name of the Trinity. For instance, the Eucharistic prayer finishes with the words:Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,World without end. Amen
  • Why do Jewish people reject the idea of trinity?
    Jewish ViewsJews would agree with Catholics that there is one God. The belief in only one God is stated in the most important prayer for Jews; the Shema. It is also stated in the Ten Commandments. However, they do not accept Jesus as the Son of God or the idea of the Trinity. There are different attributes of God such as 'judge' and creator' but these are only characteristics of the one God. These attributes of God are not separate persons, but are just the different ways in which human beings experience God.
  • How is the idea of trinity presented in the Bible?
    The word 'Trinity' does not appear explicitly in the Bible. The doctrine of the Trinity developed over several hundred years. When the first Christians began to reflect on their experience of Jesus, they began to see that they experienced the One God in three different ways. They saw this in the scriptures.In the New TestamentThe theological concept of the One God consisting of three divine persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is found many times in the New Testament, for example:'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...' (Matthew 28:19)'All things have been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.' (Matthew 11:27)Jesus Christ as the divine word/logos, the light and life of the world, the 'only-begotten Son' of the Father (John 1:1-18)we also see the Trinity at Jesus' baptism (Mark ch.1)
  • How does St Augustine present the idea of the trinity?
    St Augustine used the idea that "God is Love" ( 1 John 4:8) to explain the Trinity:love needs three things: the person who is doing the loving, the person who is being loved and the love itself. These three aspects are present in God - even before God had made any creatures to love. So St Augustine says that the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is like this Trinity of love, lover and beloved.
  • What do Catholics believe about the incarnation? How is it presented in the Bible?
    In Jesus, God the Son became a human being. It is called 'the incarnation' because God became visible 'in the flesh' in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. The most usual way Christians express this belief is by calling Jesus the 'Son of God'. This connects to the doctrine of the Trinity, where the term 'Son' is used to name the second person of the Trinity. When Christians call Jesus the 'Son of God' they mean that he is God who has become a human being; that he is the 'incarnate Son'. Christians also believe that Jesus is 'fully God and fully human'. Christian believe that Jesus is one person, with two natures: one human nature, and one divine (which means 'godly') nature.In the kenosis hymn in Philippians St. Paul shows how Jesus 'emptied himself' of his divine nature to become human. Source of Authority - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made... The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-3,14)
  • Why do Jewish people reject the idea of the incarnation?

    Jewish people do not accept that Jesus was God, challenges their basic belief that God is one. This belief is stated in the Shema, which is a very important prayer for Jews. It is also stated in the Ten Commandments.
  • How does the idea of the incarnation help Catholics to respond to the Problem of Evil?
    The mystery of why a Good God allows pain and suffering is very hard to understand. A belief in the Incarnation is very important to Christians in helping them to respond to the Problem of Evil. Jesus incarnation and suffering give Christians a way of being able to continue to believe in the goodness of God, even in the face of human suffering.The incarnation is important to Christians because it means that God, as Jesus, can identify with human beings. Christians believe that the incarnation is a demonstration of God's immense love for human beings. In Jesus, they see a God who loves them so much that he was willing to take on human form and sacrifice his human life for them. Jesus understands fully what it means to be human. Jesus is a comfort to those who suffer because Christians believe that Jesus is God's presence with his people. Christians believe Jesus is with us in our suffering because Jesus himself experienced suffering and did not run from it but bore it out of love. Christians may not understand why God allows the suffering to happen, but they should trust God because he knows what they are going through. Christians should also follow Jesus' example. Jesus spent his life working against suffering. The best example of this is the way he cured the sick. Catholics should do what they can to help those who are suffering.
  • How does Pope John Paul II explain how the suffering of Christ helps us to understand all suffering in 'Salvifici Doloris'?
    Salvifici Doloris is a document that was written by St Pope John Paul II. The title is Latin, meaning "the saving power of suffering". He says that the Problem of Evil is not easy to understand. The only way for humans to get an idea about it is to try and understand the depth of God's love for humans which Jesus showed through his willingness to die on the cross. He writes that if Christians willingly 'offer up' their own suffering in prayer for the sake of others, that they can share in the saving suffering of Jesus. If a Christian can do this, it is an act of love resembling Jesus' own act of sacrifice. This is very difficult to understand but St Pope John Paul II believes that if we try and bear our suffering patiently and offer it to God in prayer, that God will somehow be able to use it to bring about good for others. "But in order to understand the 'why' of suffering, we must look to the revelation of divine love...This answer has been given by God to human beings in the Cross of Jesus Christ."
  • How does Jesus provide a moral example to Catholics and all Christians?

    Catholics try to model themselves on Jesus. There are many examples of how Jesus acted and what he taught to inspire Christians today.Jesus gave us the Golden Rule - "do to others as you would want them to do to you." This is a summary of the Sermon on the Mount. "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12)Jesus told his disciples to love. "A new commandment I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples." (John 13:34-35)Jesus showed this in the way that he healed the sick (Healing a Leper Matt 8) He also made the outcast and sinner welcome. (Zacchaeus Luke 19)Jesus showed forgiveness to those who crucified him. (Luke 23:33-35)Jesus explains how his followers should behave in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).
  • How does Jesus present his moral teachings in the Sermon on the Mount?
    Jesus also gives clear teachings on how people should live their lives. The clearest collection of these teachings is in chapters five to seven of Matthew's Gospel in a section that is often called the Sermon on the Mount.The sermon begins with a list of blessings, which are often called The Beatitudes (which is Latin for "blessings"). The key messages of the beatitudes is that those who are closest to God are often those that the world does not recognise or value.
  • How does Jesus update the moral teaching of the Torah in the Sermon on the Mount?

    Jesus is a source of moral authority as he came to fulfil God's law. Jesus says the requirements of being a follower of Jesus go further and deeper than the Law of Moses. Jesus repeats a phrase which begins "You have heard that it was said..." and ends with "But I say to you...". Here Jesus shows the ways in which being a follower of his is more demanding than the religious Law (Torah) which his listeners have been living by. For example, murder was wrong, but now anger is unacceptable, adultery was wrong but now looking at someone lustfully is wrong. It isn't just about an action, intention and the reason behind it goes deeper.For exampleYou have heard it said....Do not murder.But I tell you....Don't be angry. Settle arguments quickly.
  • What is natural law? How does it help Catholics to make moral decisions?
    A belief in Natural Law is a key part of Catholic Moral teaching. This is the idea that there is a discoverable moral law which applies to all humans. Natural Law was put forward by St Thomas Aquinas. It says that all human beings have some purposes in common: preserving life, procreation, seeking the truth, living in society and worshipping God. Because of these common purposes, there are some universal laws that all human beings have to obey (for example, laws against murder, child abuse, theft, and lying). At a basic level humans should avoid evil and do good.Catholics would say the ability to find out Natural Law shows the universe is created by a God who is good. The ability to recognize suffering as an evil is a sign that we have this God-given ability to tell the difference between good and evil.
  • What is the conscience? How does it help Catholics to make moral decisions?
    St Thomas Aquinas defined conscience as 'the mind of human beings making moral decisions'. The ability to discover Natural law is what Catholics call 'conscience'. Catholics have an obligation to follow their conscience. Catholics must make sure their conscience is informed by the Bible and tradition as interpreted by the Church. Catholics making moral decisions must follow their conscience.The existence of conscience is another proof of the goodness of God who created human beings in his own image. Also regarding the Problem of Evil, if humans followed their conscience more often there would be far less moral evil in the world, and far less suffering as a result.
  • How can experiencing suffering help Catholics to develop the virtues (good characteristics)?

    Catholic believe that living a good life and obeying one's conscience is something that requires practice. Catholics believe that there are moral habits which human beings need to practice in order to become good people. These moral habits are called 'virtues' which comes from the Latin word for 'perfection'. These virtues challenge our instinctive selfishness; our desire to keep ourselves safe has to be overcome in order to become more courageous, for example. People can grow in virtue through the experience of suffering. For example, If I suffer poverty, this can make me more generous when I do have food and other things to share.
  • What role do statues play in the religious practices of Catholics?
    A common feature in Catholic churches are statues. There will be a crucifix, a statue of Mary and a statue of the saint after whom the church is named. The crucifix is the most common focus for Catholic prayer and it reminds Catholics of the incarnation, but also of the suffering of Jesus which, for Catholics, is a reminder of God's love for them. These statues will have places to kneel in front of them and places to light candles. The candles are called votive candles. They are symbols of the prayers the worshipper is offering. Catholics do not pray to the statues. The statues are reminders of God and Jesus and these help them to focus their prayer on what really matters. Catholics would say that they do not pray to Mary and the saints but they ask Mary and the saints to intercede on their behalf and pray to God for them.
  • Why do some religious groups oppose the use of statues in worship?
    Jews do not use statues as a focus for prayer. It goes against the Ten Commandments; 'You shall have no other gods before me'. Synagogues do not have any representation of God as he is above human understanding.For many Christians, especially those who belong to some Protestant traditions, the making of religious statues goes against the second commandment that forbids the making of any image as an object of worship (Exodus 20:4-5). They might use a simple cross without a figure representing Jesus on it.
  • What is the significance of Michelangelo's Pieta?
    Statues also help Catholics to reflect on the meaning of suffering. One of the most famous statues that does this is Michelangelo's Pietà. It is a statue of Mary holding the body of her son after his crucifixion. 'Pietà' is a word which comes from the Latin word for holiness. The two figures are beautiful and idealised, despite their suffering. This reflects the belief of Catholic ambivalence to suffering; that suffering is somehow a mirror of love and can be a source of blessing.Michelangelo decided to create a youthful and peaceful Virgin Mary instead of a broken-hearted and older woman, as is often portrayed in earlier versions of the image.Mary seems at peace with what has happened. Mary's left hand is positioned with an open palm; this is a sign she accepts what has happened to her son.Mary's figure is larger than that of Jesus. She comfortably cradles Jesus' body. This shows her as a mother it is as if she is holding a baby in her arms.In supporting Christ, Mary's right hand does not come into direct contact with his flesh, it is covered with a cloth. This shows the sacredness of Christ's body. Christ is presented almost as if he is in a peaceful sleep, and not one who has been bloodied and bruised after hours of torture.The wounds of Jesus are hardly visible.
  • Why do some Catholics go on pilgrimage?
    A pilgrimage is a journey to a holy place. Many Catholics still go on pilgrimages. The Catholic Church recognises sites of pilgrimage as among the most appropriate places for prayer.There are many reasons for going on pilgrimage. These may include:to help strengthen their faith and to share the experience and their faith with other believersto pray for the sickas a way of thanking Godto seek physical, spiritual or emotional healing to do a penitential act as a reflection of sorrow for sinA group pilgrimage may help an individual to feel part of the church community. Pilgrims pray together and feel supported by each otherGoing on a pilgrimage can help believers to reflect on their life's journey. It is an opportunity to take time out and focus on their journey to God. It is often a journey of self-discovery, most noticeably for those who are sick. Very few sick people come back cured. However, they may come back feeling at peace and able to accept and cope with the problems they face. In this way, many people learn how to value the role of God in their lives in a new way.
  • What is the role of Mary in common pilgrimages that Catholics may choose to complete?
    Shrines to MaryMany places of pilgrimage are dedicated to Mary, whom Catholics call Our Lady. The most popular of these shrines in Europe are Lourdes (in France) and Fatima (in Portugal). Most shrines are in places where people have claimed to see visions of Mary. Catholics often pray to Mary at sites of pilgrimage, believing that she can pray to God on their behalf. The most well-known shrine to Mary in England is in Walsingham. LourdesOne of the most popular shrines is Lourdes, in south-west France. In 1858 a young girl called Bernadette Soubirous had visions of Mary. Mary told Bernadette to dig for a spring.This spring is believed to have healing qualities and many pilgrims bathe there. Now thousands of pilgrims go to pray at the grotto.Large numbers of young people volunteer as helpers for the sick and disabled pilgrims, which can be a life changing experience.It's a practical way that ordinary people can respond to the mystery of suffering.
  • What is the rosary? What role does it play in Catholic worship?
    The rosary is a series of beads used by Catholics to help them concentrate during prayers. The rosary can be said as an individual or in a group. Each bead represents a prayer and the beads are arranged in a sequence of one 'Our Father', ten 'Hail Marys' and one 'Glory Be'. Most Catholics can recite these prayers from memory. The fact that they do not need to concentrate on what words to say means that they can think more deeply. Each sequence of beads is called a decade, and a set of rosary beads usually has five decades. As they progress through the decades, Catholics reflect on some of the important events in the life of Jesus and of Mary. It is a form of meditation. These events, called mysteries, are in groups of five. For example, the joyful mysteries are the Annunciation, Mary's visit to Elizabeth, the birth of Jesus, the presentation of the baby Jesus in the temple and the finding of Jesus in the temple