
Cards (9)

  • What is the role of the British Psychological Society (BPS) in psychology?
    To set ethical guidelines and principles for psychological research.
  • What are the key ethical principles outlined by the BPS?
    Respect, competence, responsibility, and integrity.
  • What is informed consent in psychological research?
    Participants must give permission to take part, knowing the true aims of the study.
  • What does the term 'deception' mean in the context of psychological research?
    It refers to providing participants with false information about the purpose of the research.
  • What is the right to withdraw in psychological research?
    Participants must have the option to leave the study and withdraw their data at any time.
  • What is confidentiality in psychological research?
    All information collected must be published in a way that does not identify the participant.
  • What are the methods for dealing with ethical issues in research?
    • Informed consent: Participants must be fully informed.
    • Deception: Must be justified and followed by debriefing.
    • Right to withdraw: Participants can leave at any time.
    • Confidentiality: Participants' identities must remain anonymous.
  • What is debriefing in psychological research?
    It is informing participants about the true nature of the study after it has concluded.
  • What is the importance of anonymity in research?
    It protects participants' identities and ensures confidentiality.